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Covenant Vision Come to Life

I got a request to make a custom sized (55×55″) silk with rainbows. The woman requesting it had been given a vision with the silk in it and we spent time bantering back and forth so I could fully grasp what the Lord had showed her.  He gave me wisdom on how to create it and so I did.

I have to say in the type of dyeing I do rainbows are a bit of a nightmare so it was only by my trust that the Lord could guide me to accurately manifest His vision that I was able to move forward!

In the end, she was completely blessed by what God was doing… and it turned out beautifully. After it was created what I heard was “rainbows and double rainbows” 🙂

Music is from – and it’s free!

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9 thoughts on “Covenant Vision Come to Life

  1. Yeah………………….just yeah………………what is the music

  2. Very different and I love it! It’s refreshing and light! I was just noticing some of the lighter colors on your website too. Maybe because they feel like spring? I don’t know but they picked up my mood when I looked at them!

    I definately think it was worth the extra effort. Beautiful!

  3. Meghan, this is so beautiful! The Lord has been talking to me about His covenant, so I was intrigued when I saw the name of this scarf! I agree with Julie that the colors are so light and just make you happy! 😀

  4. Beautiful! A Wing would be gorgeous in a rainbow “)

  5. Ok, I cried as I watched you on the video…..I kept thinking of how faithful our Lord is! Thanks for posting it. 🙂

  6. One of my favorites!

  7. When my husband and I watched the video, we both had an uplifting experience. And when I saw the picture, my eyes got watery to see how incredible our God is! It is the same silk I saw in my vision!!! Truly, I have to say that our Lord has a purpose with it and others will be blessed by this silk. Thank you, thank you, and thank you for being God’s vessel to make His vision a reality. To God is all the glory!! His promises are faithful and His covenant will endure forever.

  8. Stunning!!! Your effort is well noticed! May God continue to bless you and use you in a mighty way! Im certain new revelation will come to you soon 🙂

  9. ohhhhh I love this one. Rainbows are my favorite thing!!!!

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