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Pet Scarf :)

A friend and long-time D4Y customer shared this picture with me today and so I had to pass it on and share the story 🙂

She discovered that every time she ordered a D4Y scarf her pets went crazy over the package when it arrived (and mind you not any other packages, just D4Y ones) and then kept stealing her scarves once they were out of the packages. It was like they could feel the anointing on them!

So she finally contacted me to ask me how I felt about creating a scarf for her dog (the primary culprit).  I prayed about it and could feel God smiling – He is so whimsical sometimes and He loves how we love the creatures He puts in our care 🙂

So a scarf was ordered for the pooch.  As you can see from this picture, apparently his feline sibling has swiped it 😉

Thought y’all would enjoy hearing this precious tale!

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13 thoughts on “Pet Scarf :)

  1. When I am organizing my flag bag the cats go crazy and want to lay all over my flags. Im always worried they are going to put holes through the silk, but none have done that (Thank You Jesus). Its also interesting that when I am worshipping at home and trying out new flags the cats are not scared at all. Not by the whipping sound or the wind that is created when waving them. I think they are spiritually in tune to praising God. Let all creation praise Him. For He is worthy of our praise!

  2. This story is so cute!!!! God loves all his creatures 🙂

    @ April, I worry about getting holes in my wings and scarfs too, but it has all been good!!!

  3. AMEN! April. We were at a home group worshipping and the owners dog put her paws up on the chair and wagged her tail like crazy ~ yet stayed amazingly respectful at the same time. I was outside a few days ago praising the Lord pretty much full force and then the atmosphere shifted and became very Holy. I turned around to see our chicken bowed down on the ground! and she stayed that way the whole time. She loves her Creator, too. 🙂

    Thanks for posting this story ~ so cute :

  4. A great example of why we shouldn’t put God in a box! Pretty cool to think about it! Thanks for sharing!

  5. @Roslyn – That’s so funny! That makes me want to try it with ours. I’m a bit too fussy with them to allow the dogs access. They can be a smelly bunch and I love Scent of Heaven’s fragrance on the scarves too much! 🙂 It is great story though!

  6. This is truly amazing. I will have to keep a watch on my scarf when I receive it because I have a cat Sebastian and he loves all my clothes ( he thinks they are his own personal bedding). I rescue animals and he is one of the rescues that I got out of a dumpster when he was only a week old. He had many problems health wise but has overcome all of them so far. He is my little trooper. I have also rescued chihuahuas and I have 4 that he plays with. They use me as a security blanket as well so I will have a hard time having just a “me and my scarf time” lol but more the merrier. I will have to order little scarves for them as well!! I can show them off when we go for walks this summer. They can anoint all the barking dogs of the neighborhood lol!!!!!! Keep us the uplifting work!!

  7. Ha!!! Thought I was the only one. My cat loves my scarves too. Yes, concerned about him getting liitle holes in it. He likes to chase my little girl around and around in circles when she is worshipping. At other times, he’ll just roll around on his back beside the scarf. Amazing. Just like this picture. Yes, I think the animals enjoying praising Him too. Fun story!

  8. I loved the story! I love your scarves as well, I really would like to buy one for my best friend who is going through the trial of her life as her husband was just diagnoised with stage 4 brain cancer. I talked with her today and she is standing in faith for a miracle healing for him, however the prognosis is grim..BUT God can do all things!! She has been bombarded with information on alternative treatments and she is in a state of confusion and fear as to how God would direct her husbands healing. I need you to help me navigate your website as to ordering a scarf . If you are lead to pray for them it would be greatly appreciated as she is a prayer warrior and an annoited woman of God. Thank you for a response to my email. God bless you and prosper you as you go about His work! Kathy

  9. How awesome that you all have the same experience. Precious.

  10. In the past heard of praying over hankies, and things and sticking them under your pillow or on your person. I always felt that was strange to me UNTIL a friend of mine that works in a “prayer room” talked about it. Its about faith, and the unseen, she said.
    Its easy to have faith when you can see something and know its there.. but when you cant see, its harder.
    See, the piece of cloth or scarf, or veil is a reminder of God with us as Jesus was wrapped in the simple cloth, and Mary held him close to her heart. We place the cloth close to our hearts.
    In Peru they have “prayer veils” they place them on the head as a reminder of God with us and as God is our covering.
    I understand now.
    I also believe that animals can smell anointing. When we worship, it rises to the Lord, where it is a sweet perfume. The other day I was worshipping and was overcome with emotion for some past worship related hinderances I am going through and experienceing, and I bowed on the floor and was weeping to the Lord,and my pug came and smelled me for the Longest time and also knelt and layed down and was there for the whole time, and seemed totally relaxed. They can sense the Lords dwelling, and anointing and find peace in that.
    I think your ministry is a great one, God has given you a “talent” and you are sharing it, and using it to HIS GLORY, and when he returns and asks what you did with the “talent” he gave you…he will say” WELL DONE good and faithful servant”

  11. Ok, that’s awesome because my cat and dog do the same thing. I never mentioned it before because thought perhaps I was reading into. But my cat tries to stuff himself in the envelopes when they come, lol! My dog actually prefers my Anointed Feet wing and kitty cat likes my Jehovah Rohi scarf 🙂 LOVE reading the above comments and testimonies!
    @Roslyn: I have a soft spot for farm animals so I love the fact your chicken did that 🙂 too cute and awesome!

  12. That is hillarious. Maybe you could create a scarf called “All Creation Groaneth” or “The Anticipation of Creation”. I believe it is in Romans where it talks about the creation itself waiting expectently for the manifestation of the Sons of God. God even says in Proverbs, I believe, that a Godly man will take care of his animals. Jesus loves animals and I still believe that He still has a purpose for every animal under the sun…except maybe mosquitos…don’t know what God’s plan was for them…;)

  13. So cool!!! G-d does love all creatures and all creation awaits the redemption, not part. Nice comment Andy. G-d has a purpose for all animals. Evn mosquitos once had a good purpose, as insects that transported nutrients not viruses. I forgot where I find the article but I was surprised to find that out. Animals isplay the glory of G-d, even the ones we call pests. In some way they show the glory. It is just that the fall of man has affected all creation so animals feel it too. How wonderful it will be for the glorious kingdom of G-d when the curse is removed. Animals and people will be at peace.

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