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D4Y/D4Yart Treasure Chest

A friend of Dyed4you found a treasure chest at North Star Books, who sells both Dyed4you scarves and Dyed4you Art.  A fellow artist, she shared her experience with us:

God had me on a treasure hunt today and look what I found at North Star in Nampa, Idaho! The red scarf is the one you sent me, but the rest “I found”.

The scarf is the one entitle “Fiercely Jealous Lover”. The part that got me was when you said, “He is incredibly passionate about you! He’s poured that passion in you – for a very specific calling & purpose……that will COMPLETELY FULFILL YOU AS YOU WALK IN IT.

What I received from my mini adventures today was a rekindling of lost dreams coming back to life! Tears of joy of something being found! Still comprehending just how much He loves me! Thank you so much for your beautiful work! It has greatly blessed me today!

She went on to share how she’d used the silks…

So wanted to wear the red scarf you gave me during a healing service at my church last week. I wanted to see what God would do through my drawing. Couldn’t figure out the best way to wear a long red scarf so I tied it to my waist.

And how she’d painted with them 🙂

The Lord has been speaking to me through water lately. When I read your description for the “Fiercely Jealous Lover” scarf I knew it was mine!….lost in His presence…floating in deep blue waters at night with the one who holds your heart.

I went to the Healing Rooms this morning and one person saw me painting a picture with the words “I AM”. I confirmed that I have seen the same picture. So I went home and started a new painting while wearing the new scarf tied around my wrist. (I don’t think it’s finished)

[Next comment refers to the image to the right] Drawn with pastels at a healing service while wearing your red scarf. God wanted me to get some healing that night as well. I have gone back to this picture all week

God is SO beautiful 🙂

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4 thoughts on “D4Y/D4Yart Treasure Chest

  1. What a neat story! When I went to North Star books before Tyler left to price prayer journals I couldn’t find your work. Maybe they were just moving things around. I’m so glad they’re still carrying your work so that they can bless as many people as possible. <3 love you beautiful lady.

  2. Very beautiful testimony and yay for Northstar!!! 🙂 By the way… LOVE the “I Am” artwork!!! I hope she is released to share that one! Really awesome!!

  3. God has such perfect timing! Glad you found those blessings and that they ministered to your heart! 🙂

  4. Beautiful story, was very moved by how God brought her to your art work and touched her heart. Love how Papa loves on us. You are a Blessing to many people Meghan, we love you.

    God Bless!

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