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Resurrection Celebration

This is a fun story because there’s lots to share! It starts with a dance team in VT (Living Hope Christian Church) ordering 14×72 scarves to use as sashes and special order 8mm 45×108 silks that were divided in half with 2 flag seams added to make a pair. You saw video I made of one pair of the flags before I sent them out.

Even just from seeing my demo video the team gave an awesome response:

These are not only EXACTLY as we saw – but bigger and more glorious. The word that has been placed on our hearts as we wait is “EXPECTANCY”………..and just looking at them – our team is already feeling an exuberance…

The next part of the testimony came when they saw the background for the slides that had been picked:

Our sound board had to choose a background for some visuals …this is going to sound so crazy Meghan – but she picked the background almost 3 months ago and revealed it to us today

Colors EXACTLY OF THE SCARVES – EXACTLY MEGHAN! Not only the same colors – but on the screen the gold shimmering you did in our scarves – twinkles across the screen. I am going to ask her where she got the background and I will send it to you

Meghan this is God’s appointment for you to be part of our ministering this Resurrection Sunday – UNBELIEVABLE!

…From every fiber of my worshiping soul – THANK YOU – THANK YOU – THANK YOU!

Then just a week ago, I heard from the team’s leader who had first been introduced to Dyed4you you the previous year when she was given a gift of a prophetic silk.

It was so anointed and right on and I cannot even begin to tell you how many times God has spoken to me through it. I love dancing as I worship either wearing it as a sash or using it to dance with.

And about the flags and sashes for this year she shared:

God had given me the color and vision for those flags and sashes in a dream and you brought them to fulfillment. Those flags and sashes were the EXACT ones I saw in the dream. The color… it was as if you too saw the color in my dream…they are perfect.

God has really impressed upon our team the meaning of color over the past year. Since then we have pulled out those flags a couple of times and the anointing of HOPE and LIFE and PRAISE that is on them overwhelms me every time I pick them up. God is truly being honored in the worship that is offered as we use those flags. We also have made use on a weekly basis the color meanings you have posted on your dyed4you website. Thank you for sharing them!

As a thank you her team blessed her with a gift certificate to Dyed4you Art – be sure to read her testimony from the art too!

Photos by Betsy Breeyear Finstad, Moonshine Designs and Photography

View 14×72 / special order / sewing services

16 thoughts on “Resurrection Celebration

  1. This is awesome! lovely worship

  2. As the day drew nearer – my daughter who is the lead singer here -became ill. Abbie and I refused to press into the hand that was trying to bring this down. As hard as it was for her to sing due to congestion and inability to breathe – the devil got a “God smack” right in his kisser. God showed up because of submission regardless of circumstances. Jen’s worship was so anointed. The coordination of color of the vision and “expectancy” of God showing up allowed HIS glory to be shown. We are not about being “pretty”, “showy” or “performance” – we are about bringing glory to the Name above all Names. We are about submission to HIS will. Meghan’s submission to her calling – regardless of circumstances in her life – allowed our who team to submit to our calling – despite the tribulations we faced as we prepared – to bring glory to the “Power of His Name” – the Great Redeemer. As you face your wind tunnels of life – remember – the Almighty One has HIS way – when we lay down – our way…. Blessings! Judy

  3. i am absolutely cracking up how those colours matched……. how incredibly wonderful!

  4. @Judy… AMEN!!! As I read this testimony I was in awe, Just how Faithfil our Lord and Savior is. Love the testimony and loved watching the worship… So beautiful. We love you Lord, May your name be Glorified!!!

  5. Wow! Love the worship video…purposeful movements all giving glory to Jesus!!! I love the powerful simplicity of it all….to God be ALL the glory! Continue on worshipping warriors!!!!!

  6. @Christine: Thank you for the encouragement! My heart’s desire is that God be given all the glory and honor due Him as our team worships Him! And Meghan… thank you again, those words hardly seem adequate, but they are heart felt!

  7. @Jen Your heart of worship shines through! 🙂

  8. @Judy, amazing! The first few seconds of the very video I felt the tangible presence of God, and the very anointing there in that breakthrough. It was simply wonderful!

    @Meghan, once again I am astounded by your gift to speak Papa’s heart and life into other’s lives through silk. God bless you richly sis!

  9. What a neat testimony! God is so very awesome. I love to hear testimonies like this, how He orchestrates so marvelous works.

  10. I adore these intense flags! The dance and worship was amazing to watch and of course the testimony of how specific to details our amazing Yehovah is, is encouraging. I love those dance dresses too! It’s like you are dancing in a swirl of clouds. Thanks for sharing.

  11. How Awesome!! God is SO faithful to us! what a fantastic testimony and tribute to our God!!

  12. What a lovely use of the life colors…so beautiful in motion…and I noticed that even the “choir director” had a sash to wear…very nice indeed. God Bless…

  13. @Kathleen – the whole choir had fabric sashes that almost matched….we had a hard time finding it but God found favor as well. Proves to me when you seek HIS will – it falls together. HE is just so good to us!


  15. The pictures are so good!!! And nice dance!!! The green really stands out. Perfect symbol of the resurrection of Yeshua and new life!!!

  16. That lady is an anointed flagger.

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