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Allissa with her Shuwb Quills

Apparently I’m in a quill mood today 😉  Here’s a fun video from Allissa’s visit of her with her quill flags called Shuwb (restore in Hebrew).  Enjoy!

The music is Ariel singing in the Destiny Church Prayer Room 🙂

19 December 2011 – Apparently I jumped the gun in posting this.  Allissa shared her story that goes with them with me last night and I wanted to share it with you because I thought you would be blessed!

God did a a good work with me in correcting something that I had done not according to His will and plan. I did not have the “go ahead” to buy these Quill flags and as a result I never felt connected to them. There was something amiss. I started asking Him about something related and He said that I had never asked if I could buy these. I then realized I had assumed it would be ok instead of waiting for a “yes”. This awareness came at me heavy. I acknowledged my sin and repented. It was hard. I had now begun to be more attached to them so I prayed I could keep them. I knew that I might not and I was willing to give them up if that is what He said to do.

After a couple agonizing days He began to speak to me about restoring Shuwb (which means restore). In His mercy and goodness He told me He would let me keep them. He restored Restore.

View quill flags

11 thoughts on “Allissa with her Shuwb Quills

  1. oh, how lovely. Allissa has a special grace to her flagging, quite elegant 🙂

  2. I like the color of these quill flags!

  3. Sweet and intimate! 🙂

  4. Awesome!!! I love these flags! 🙂

  5. very beautiful, gentle, just like His restoration is. Sometimes it almost sneaks up on you it is so gentle, and yet inevitable (sp?). Perfect fit for the name of the flags. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Lovely Allissa! And those flags are some of my favorites in design.

  7. Thank you all for your comments! I am so blessed by them!

  8. Thank you for your story behind them. Sometimes I think we relate with each other better over our shortcoming and mistakes than we do over our triumphs. It is a humble heart that can share a misstep, and I appreciate your humility Allissa. And I praise the Lord for His forgiveness and restoration!

  9. Beautiful Allissa!! Thank you for sharing your story. I love how Papa speaks to use and for his forgiveness. Blessings

  10. Allissa, your story is a good word for us all. Thanks!

  11. I appreciate the honesty of the story and how you admitted jumping the gun 😀 <3 this video

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