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Preparing for the Bridegroom Giveaway

It’s always fun for me to hear scarf stories on the scarves that are Dyed4you Blog Giveaways!  I love knowing the Father is NOT random. He knows exactly who it’s going to go to even when we don’t!

This silk headed to our winner in Puerto Rico (might actually be the first silk there now that I think of it!) and she shares her beautiful testimony…

Well… I don’t know where to begin! First of all, thank you! Certainly, if you hadn’t responded to His calling, this blessing wouldn’t have gotten to me.

I received my scarf on Friday. I was so excited to receive it! When you told me you had shipped it to me Thursday, I knew it was going to get here between the next Thursday or Friday. Normally, the mailman whistles and that is how I know I’ve received a package. This time, however, he left it in the mailbox. After my mom arrived from work, she hand it in to me saying: “Wasn’t this what you were expecting?” I jumped out to her, grabbed the envelope and went to my room immediately!

The scarf is such a confirmation of all the things He wants me to do. I just can’t begin to describe how much of what He’s said to me is in the scarf! But I’m going to try.

I’ve been singing so much to Him lately. The word on Psalm 34:1 has become a reality in my life: “I will bless the LORD at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.” And one of the songs I’ve been singing (and dancing!) is Dance with me by Paul Wilbur. You may have heard the lyrics:

“Dance with me
Oh, Lover of my soul
to the Song of all songs”

So when I opened the letter and read all of those verses from the Song of Solomon, it just reminded me of what I’ve been saying lately. Those are the Lord’s response to me. It’s like he’s saying:

“I’m singing to (and dancing with) you
Oh, my Beloved
with verses of love from the Song of Solomon.”

“I’ve heard you.”

But that wasn’t what I noticed first. After reading what the colors represented, I stopped for a moment. I wanted my scarf to have white in it. For me, it was going to be a confirmation of what he had said to me a long time ago about my heart. I wanted to know if he thought the same way about me after all we’ve been through. I was so surprised: pure- hearted bride.

The chartreuse representing flourishing is also a confirmation of a word I received a few weeks back… which blows my mind off!

Even the oil you used to anoint my silk is a confirmation! The Scent of Heaven’s Wedding feast has essences of pomegranate, which biblically speaking, is a representation of love. It’s a cherished oil, which is a reminder of how dear and precious to Him is the time I spend in his chambers… preparing myself for the feast…

As I continued reading the words “the Lord is teaching you to truly die to yourself…”, the songs I’ve been hearing lately just began to play in my mind.

“You said:
‘I wanna be Holy’, I AM HOLY
and I’m making you Holy.
I’m answering your prayer…”
“…But it’s a process, it doesn’t happen in a day…”
Prophetic song- Matt Gilman (May 24, 2008, IHOP)

“I don’t understand your ways,
Oh, but I will give you my song,
I’ll give you all of my praise.
You hold on to all my pain
and with it you are pulling me closer,
pulling me in to your ways.”
Worth it all- Rita Springer

“Cause I see every time you
lay down those other things for me
and I see every time you
seek my face beloved one.
I see every movement of your heart towards me.
I do. I do.
I see every little movement of your heart towards me.
And though your weak, my beloved,
I see your love, I see your love.
And though it’s small, my beloved,
I see your heart, I see your love.
And though it ain’t much, my beloved one,
I see the way that you want me, that you need me, that you gotta have me.”

“I’m so in love with you my Bride…”
Do you know the way you move me?- Cory Asbury

^(Oh my, I almost wrote the entire song!)

But it doesn’t end there! I was in a state of awed, thinking of how the Presence of G-d was so powerful  that even when I touched the envelope I could already “feel” it, when my mom entered the room. I read the scarf letter to her and she starts waving the scarf in the air… and she starts singing! She sang a spanish song that I’m going to translate to you:

“I hear the voice of my Beloved already.
From between the mountains and the hills, He comes.
I hear the voice of my Beloved already.
Stand up and come, He calls you:
‘Oh Bride of mine. beloved mine, come’.
I hear the voice of my Beloved already.”

Then, right after, she tells me: “Hey, she sew this herself.” I was like: “No, that can’t be” (that was because I already knew that the company that provides you the silks had changed to machine-sewn edges). So I was doubly blessed when I saw it was hand-sewn, because each stitch represents time you spent praying over it and over me. I’m very thankful for that!! [Note from Meghan – I’m still able to get the hand-rolled edges, just not sure for how much longer!] And for the fact that, because of this, I was able to see some patterns on the scarf.

I saw trees and flowers, which reminded me of a verse in the scriptures that has been on my mind for a while. It wasn’t until some of the blue undertone of the plum became visible, that it hit me: It was a confirmation of Isaiah 58:11:

The LORD will guide you always;
he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land
and will strengthen your frame.
You will be like a well-watered garden,
like a spring whose waters never fail.

And Psalm 1: 2-3:

“but whose delight is in the law of the LORD,
and who meditates on his law day and night.
That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither—
whatever they do prospers.

I immediately extended the scarf over my bed to see it completely! I remembered that some of the dyedf4you customers had seen pictures or images in their scarfs, and I wanted to discover what else was in stored for me.

The coral became like blood stains over the scarf. I was shocked of how GREAT is his love for me. I began to see butterflies all over too! And He began to sing over me again:

“God wants to take you to new places,
new places, new places, new places…
new revelation, new revelation,
new perspective…
aerial view, aerial view, aerial view…”

“…God has given you the air, so fly.
It’s time to spread out your wings…
and fly…”
Fly- Jason Upton

Meghan, your ministry has blessed me so much! Even the songs I’m writing to you, are because I’ve heard them through your page or because God has directed me to them, while looking for a song in one your videos. Please excuse my English if it’s bad written, it was probably because I was thinking in Spanish (Lol).

I hope that my experience with the scarf, will encourage to continue serving the Lord! I know you’ve become interested in the hebrew roots of the bible, so I’m very happy that the Lord is doing this all over the world!! There is such a treasure for us to discover and such a blessing the Lord wants to pour on us for searching His truth. May He bless you tons!!

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14 thoughts on “Preparing for the Bridegroom Giveaway

  1. May God continue to bless her all her days. What a wonderful testimony!

    Gracias por compartir su testimonio


  2. I see several butterflies in it. So pretty and what a great testimony!

  3. Very beautiful testimony. I love how our Father coordinates things, down to the smallest detail, to bless us. He is so good! Thank y’all both for sharing with us so that we too can be so very blessed. 🙂

  4. Amazing love expressed in so many ways. Beautiful scarves made for beautiful children. This is precious and touched my heart so deeply. So glad it was shared!

  5. What a beautiful testimony!! I love the pink butterfly.

  6. this was so touching, the Lord singing over her and she singing her heart back to Him. Wow…….

  7. Wow, what a testimony. That’s a favorite for sure 🙂

  8. @Elaine, Gracias por comentar en español. ¡Recibo todas esas bendiciones! (*Thank you for commenting in spanish. I receive all of those blessings! :))

    @Meghan, I’m so sure this won’t be the last dyed4you scarf in Puerto Rico! Love the tags, and love you too!!

    And thank you all for your blessings. I’m glad my testimony blessed you all! To Him all the Glory!!

  9. Oh! @Amanda E, So glad you commented on this ^-^!! You see… because I commented on your video (Thank God for His timing), I was able to receive this gift! May you continue to be -I don’t know if I’m saying this right- an instrument of blessing! 🙂

  10. It’s a beautiful story of confirmation! Pappa God encourages our faith when someone else recognizes His touch in our lives, it is amazing to feel loved by our Creator and to know that we can communicate with Him and know His ways of communicating back!:-)

  11. It’s so exciting to read this testimony, because I was just as excited when I received my scarf–and it touched me just as deeply. What an awesome testimony, and thank you Father for using Meghan to minister to so many of us!

  12. I misses seeing this entry when it was posted.
    I absolutely love your enthusiasm – it bleeds through your writing. AND I love the song references you gave. Some of those are amongst my favorites.

    I am so glad to hear that there is a scarf in Puerto Rico. I am also blessed to hear you pursuing the Hebrew Roots. May you be blessed as you seek after His face and His ways!

    blessings to you dear one!

  13. That is such a great scarf story! Thank you for sharing it!!!! Many blessings over you and your family. May Abba continue to draw you in to His loving embrace. May His love shower over you and your family and may He continue to grow you in new ways.

    Bless you,

  14. blessing to hear this testimony and Meghan with your ministry and this blog you are connecting body of Christ together!!!!! Hallelujah!!!!!!

    it’s just psalm 133 putting in life – your anointing is greater and greater and as much as we are together Lord commands blessing and life forevermore! Hallelujah!!!!!!

    just go on, not stop, go on!!! we are your Aaron and Hur – Hallelujah!!!!

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