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Healing Ministry

As I was on a conference call with my friends in the MorningStar Fellowship of Ministries this morning, I found myself flagging over someone we were praying for. We were interceding for healing and the Father had me minister with a pair of swing flags I had set out to do a demo of called Healing Flow (which is a style you’ve seen before, but He had me create these in a new pattern).

This ministry prompted an idea for a new category here on the blog. It’s another “In Action” category but specifically for the purpose of ministering with the silk. So for example in this video – yes, I am ministering over the gentleman we were praying for on the phone – but it is also for anyone who is wanting healing ministry.

The scripture that goes with this silk is Luke 6:19

And all the multitude were seeking to touch Him, for healing power was all the while going forth from Him and curing them all [saving them from severe illnesses or calamities].

All were healed. All. We continue to rest in that promise today. Mentally. Physically. Any area that healing is needed. All are healed.

Please come into agreement in prayer over all those the Father wants to touch through this ministry.

Music is Julie True’s Sounds of Healing

View swing flags

10 thoughts on “Healing Ministry

  1. It feels like warm annointing oil flowing over me as the music and the flags minister. You’re right, this is NOT a demo, this is ministry. Thank you, Father!!!

  2. There’s something about the design that I understood. It is a two way design. When you started waving the flag, the vertical lines seemed like the Father really wanted to extend His Healing touch to everyone. It was a very intense wish. Then, as the video continued, I saw those same lines going inward, to the land in the middle of the flag. That reminded me of 2 Chronicles 7:14.

    It was so beautiful and I just felt like He was releasing a balm… The heavens were opened. At some point, the flag became a part of you (maybe you have a gift of healing by the Spirit?). It made me smile that, you knew you were being used by the Lord and that made you happy. <3 <3

  3. SO touching. I stand in Agreement for healing of ALL who are seeking. These flags are beautiful I feel like Daddy is reaching out to me from them. Tears are streaming down my face as I watch and listen.

    I love your singing prayer too!

    Blessings Meghan!

  4. This soooooooo ministered to me. Thank you for sharing.

  5. I am so blessed for having soaked with you….balm is a good description, as others above have said….oh so soothing and warm. I am deeply touched and receive! And I am in agreement with healing for all.


  6. Oh Meghan Rainbow Seed, how your garden grows and grows. Beautiful.

  7. Yes & Amen.

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