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Nickol and her Daughters

Here is Nickol from Prophetic Worship Banners and her daughters using quills at church! Please note the precious baby bump!!! Know that quill turn around will be sloooooooowing down for a bit when baby comes 🙂

The huge ones at the end are not Dyed4you, but are AMAZING! We can do them, but they’re special order. (Here’s a video of me with a PWB giant quill)

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10 thoughts on “Nickol and her Daughters

  1. What a blessed family…was very beautiful!

  2. Oh my lord. How amazing a precious this is. What glory is being released and what a beautiful aroma of praise. I am in awe of that small child using such massive quills with so much grace and skill. Now I want some. Nichol, what a beautiful ministry you and Meghan showcase. His creativity and beauty is so evident in all you do.

  3. Yay! We’re famous now! LOL! (If there is anything to be famous for it’s bringing God glory. In fact that’s one of those things I want to be known for in heaven!)

  4. There needs to be a ‘love’ button for the above comment. I dare say that you are already known in heaven for bringing God glory. 🙂

  5. Gorgeous! Your little one with the HUGE white flags is just so graceful and beautiful!!!! Thank you for sharing!


  6. This was a fantastic and beautiful video, and I loved all of it, each and every part. When those huge quills appeared, there was just a bursting cry that came from me….still even as I type those words…wow. God bless y’all and thanks for sharing with us.

  7. What a phenomenal blessing! Thank you so much for sharing…I just wish you guys were up front, leading people in worship, instead of hanging in the back of the sanctuary. I know this happens so often, I pray that congregational leaders would WAKE UP to the priority of praise & worship, so that the whole body would be edified! In the meantime…keep worshipping your hearts out back there. Abba sees it, and he loves it 🙂

  8. To Jessica S. I do lead in front sometimes and have the blessing of the leadership, as the Holy Spirit leads, even ministering a special song in His timing and direction, but as much as I love Glorifying Him I feel so conspicuous that it would be very uncomfortable to always be up front, and I would miss out on special moments like these where my 10 year old grabs the biggest flags and displays the Heavens here on earth. Or the preschoolers come out each with a flag or streamer and their perfected praise. (I so love that!!!!)

    There is so much vanity, competition and self promotion in dance I stay back unless I know absolutely that I’m being led by the Holy Spirit. I don’t want God to have to reign me in. I’d rather He be the one giving promotions rather than promoting myself and His having to discipline me.

  9. Thank you so much for the response, Nickol. I’m glad that your leadership does understand the worth of what you are doing with the flags, and I very much understand what you’re saying about not wanting to be conspicuous or foster a spirit of self promotion. Keep being led by the Ruach (Spirit) 🙂

  10. I got goose bumps everywhere, the annointing is so thick!! wonderful.

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