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You are my Passion 45″ rounds

You’ve seen these You are my Passion silks in a different patterned pair of quills before. This pair of 45″ round quill flags have beautiful black swirls on them too 🙂 

Music is Overflow by Beckah Shae

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11 thoughts on “You are my Passion 45″ rounds

  1. very very pretty butterfly wings 🙂 Freedom to dance for Him.

  2. Passion… love the colors…all your work is beautiful…do not know how anyone can decide on one item to buy, they are all so great!

  3. transformed by His Passion. a life brand new. beautiful.

  4. Really felt your worship today in this. Beautiful! Your worship is a sweet smelling fragrance unto the Lord.

  5. Meghan I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE THESE – did I say I love them – they give me the chills!!! You have that same smile as I do every Sunday. Isn’t God wonderful when we worship……

  6. Beautiful!!!! 🙂 Meghan thank you for taking the time to share with us.

  7. These are so beautiful and soft and elegant! I LOVE THESE!!! Adding to my list of desires… 🙂
    And I completely agree with the posts above about your precious worship. It is so sweet. You have your eyes fixed on Him and have entered into the heavenlies and are at His precious feet. LOVE!!! <3

  8. B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!!!!!!

    Thank you for sharing!

  9. PERFECT wings for this song! How gorgeous!!!!!

  10. LOVE this at 0:55 ish. So powerful!
    I really like the black and pink. Very eye catching. I like pink! Hehe!

  11. Having purchased these and received them today, I can say they are much more beautiful in person! These are my first quills and I love them. They are so floaty (is that a real word??), so soft and just beautiful. They really have a lovey dovey feel to them. Thank you Meghan for listening to the Lord and creating such beautiful worship art.

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