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Set like a Flint silk ministry

This is a video I recorded a couple months ago and never managed to upload and post – so I’m sharing it now! In this video I’m using a pair of swing flags called Set like a Flint. I had WAY more difficulties with using the flags than I normally do (which is probably why I didn’t upload it when I shot it), but what I’ve realized is that even that ties in with the theme.

Regardless of difficulties, I persisted. It’s not about me and my comfort – it’s about Him and laying it all down for His glory.  So as you watch this know that in the spiritual realm I am encouraging you to STAND FAST in that which He has called you to do and be… I encourage you to be steadfast in your faith, call and witness.  I pray it blesses you!

The music is You Reign off Citipointe Live 🙂

View swing flags

14 thoughts on “Set like a Flint silk ministry

  1. Those are lovely. Can you do the Set Like Flint in either a scarf or quills?

  2. Thanks Meghan- your added words are the encouragement I need and these flags grabbed hold of me from the sofa! Greatly appreciate you posting it.

  3. @Jeanne – Yep! And have done so in both 🙂

  4. I confess, I took your set like fling -small- Quills to church with me and used them (the ones in my bag weren’t ready yet) our worship service was excellent this morning!!!!
    I hope that answers Jeanne Kimball’s question! 🙂

  5. Beautiful! I am working on a dance team who wouldnlove to worship with swing flag

  6. This is vibrant with joy!

  7. Powerful!!!

  8. Awesome and powerful. These ones are on my list. Set your face like Flint was a Word Abba gave to me back back in 2004-2005.

  9. just beautiful.

  10. Thanks for the ministry through the word, music, and flags! I will STAND FAST in all He gives me to do!

    These flags are gorgeous!

  11. Very cool. 🙂

  12. Very nice flags! I like the idea of flints. Something about sparking fires speaks to my spirit. 🙂

  13. Pressing in to what He has called us all to do and be.

  14. […] It is with great pleasure I introduce small (S) quill flags!  These flags have a serged edge and are approximately 30×35. They are lightweight and great for kids!  This pair is called Set Like a Flint, which you’ve seen before in swing flags […]

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