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Beyond Expectations

Received this sweet testimonial from a woman who recently got a 5mm semicircle with a bottle of the Scent of Heaven oil (Shalom).  She loved both!  I’ll let her share her experience herself:

I received my scarf today – the one that was called Chosen of the Lord, the semicircle. I just wanted you to know that everything was absolutely awesome! The scarf was SO beautiful! It was beyond my expectations.

As soon as I pulled it out – not even just the appearance of it – but of course the anointing on it. I was just holding it in my hands and already it felt like it was ON me. The blessing on it – it was so amazing! And what the colors represented and the message and everything was just so amazing. I just want to thank you so much! And the oil smelled so pretty.

I just want to say you’re very blessed to do what you do, you do it very well 🙂 So again I just say thank you and have a beautiful day!

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7 thoughts on “Beyond Expectations

  1. The Lord is so very good to us!

  2. how wonderful! Abba is SO awesome!!

  3. Abba is so good to us.

  4. Beautiful story, Thank You, Farher!!!

  5. Father… Typo above. :-/

  6. I just wanted to say thank you and GOD bless your ministry as well. For all the
    prayer that goes into each gift that is being made. For the words that comes straight from the throne room to a individual. Lives are truly being touched and
    forever more changed.

  7. This is truly an annoited ministry. I have known for years that God loves me. Lately I have discovered that He dearly wants me to show Him how much I love Him. Now, you have offered me a way to show my love.

    I can one day see myself spinning around, arms in the air raised to the Lord, with colored silk of His choosing flying above in swirls of color to celebrate His Glory. I

    I beleive He would enjoy seeing the colors from heaven as a gift offering. How glorious to give everything to the Lord!

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