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Taking the Nations swing flags

This is a pair of swing flags called Taking the Nations. It’s going to a couple of friends who are dividing the pair 🙂

One of the friends is a missionary – let’s lift her in prayer as well as the intercession of BOTH of them as they war with these silks!

My flagging was a little off this day – I kept twisting them and my left arm was so tired it was spinning slow so be gentle with me! LOL

The music is called Sweet Sweet Sound from Ariel Henry 🙂

View swing flags

9 thoughts on “Taking the Nations swing flags

  1. Well of course at least for me always be gentle with you. You always look joyous and wonderful tired or not.

  2. Lovely!!!

  3. Taking the Nations – How appropriate a name.

    I just passed this link to a friend of mine to see and he said that as you danced with the flags it looked like it kept forming a Globe of the World.

  4. beautiful as always Meghan. love the flags, love the worship, love the worshiper.

  5. Big thumbs up to Karen Douglas comment… I second that!! 🙂

  6. Meghan, it always gives me joy to watch you with Dyed4you silks worshipping Father God. I can only think of how beautiful it is to me and imagine the greater joy that He has, tired or not, weak arms or not. Your heart is what’s the most beautiful part of it. I could think of no negative thing at all. Only grace, beauty and joy as you lay it down before our King. Love you, dear one.

  7. His kingdom come, His will be done in all the earth! 🙂

  8. i can’t remember if i told you about the blue and red thing that keeps coming up with me (and i found it funny to learn about Amanda E’s blue and red thing, too!)… so i’m looking at these and am seeing what they’re intended for. How cool! and BEAUTIFUL!

  9. WOMAN…thou art BLESSED!

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