These are a special order size of small quill wings called The Voice. Unlike the current quill flags and wings, these have a serged edge instead of a hand-rolled, hand-sewn edge; however, since these are used in worship and not worn it doesn’t make a difference because when it’s in motion you can’t tell anyhow 🙂
Oh! And I thought I’d leave in my blooper where I dropped one just for a “real moment in worship” moment 😉
Music is live from the prayer room at IHOP-KC
View special order / quills
Perfect – so perfect!!!!!!!!!
Hi Meghan : I loved it even with the blooper could you tell me how much a small pair cost thank you!!!! Very blessed by you ministry. Do you ever Advertise any workshops.
hehehe Meghan, you’re so cute! <3 the blooper! I LOVE that name with those colors.
@Sherry – I’m not sure if you mean dyeing workshops or flagging workshops, but I don’t do dyeing ones ( and haven’t done any flagging ones… yet 🙂 But you’ll definitely hear about them on FB and my blog if and when I do!
A pair of the small wings actually takes just as much time to create and almost as much materials as the standard sized ones I’m considering adding as an option (you’ll see a pair of them posted on the blog soon). The standard sized ones are approximately the same size as the altered quill wings.
Bless you and thank you for your support!!!
They are so cute! I like them! I also like how the orange accents them so well. Very nice!
😀 Cutee!! ^.^
I like the Blooper brings something to it. Blessings! Love the small ones too.
LOVED the face that went with the blooper!! I thought I would be mortified the first time I dropped a flag in a public setting. Not so much, God is good! Just quick grabbed it up and went right on worshipping. Love the colors in these wings Meghan!
Lov you sister Judy
Those are pretty. That orange is a nice compliment 🙂
Thank you for being “real”. I love that you don’t just demo the flags you worship with them. These are beautiful!!!!
Ps 16:6 The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.
Love this one Meghan; the flags are just so perfect.
So blessed by dyed4you.
Can’t wait to worship with color,silk,movement, and love for our God.
So excited to have discovered this lovely form of expression to heighten my joy for the Lord.
It is likened to being a butterfly or a flower, perhaps even the aura boreal is.