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Judgment Quills

These are a pair of special order 8mm weight 45″ quill flags called Judgment. Behind them you can also see a pair of 35″ Petite quills in use and you’ll see a variety of Dyed4you flags (and others) march by on the left too 🙂

About 2.5 minutes in he goes in to full warrior mode… enjoy!

View special order / quills

13 thoughts on “Judgment Quills

  1. Love worship and warfare in the setting of the building. The church is growing more closely knit and unified. I have been surprised at how much smaller everything seems these days. And yet how quickly He is moving. This move of God will transform the world. Blessings and glory be unto our God, and unto you in His name.

  2. He is really good with the flags 🙂

  3. Love you girl

  4. catch that Fire!

  5. Ahhh, sweet aroma of praise and worship… 😀

  6. Anointed powerful worship. Very skilled in his gifting.

  7. May your tender and precious heart of worship flourish in the the garden of the Lord. Bless y’all both!

  8. Caught that Fire and carried that Flame!


  9. Had to watch it again.

    Heard the Shofar blow. a few times.

  10. […] had an awesome encounter after watching one of our “in action” videos – the Judgment Quills.  I love that people can be so powerfully moved by the silk without even touching it!  Father is […]

  11. I’m tellin’ ya, your hubby has a natural gift for sword fighting. he could take a class and turn it into battles in the spirit with flags!

    is the color in the middle purple or dark blue (or other?)? very cool!

  12. @Christie – It’s black 🙂 And yes, he’s magnificent to watch if I say so myself!

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