We LOVE our next generation of the Dyed4you Community!!! Here Joshua is holding a precious NextGen D4Y-er who is enjoy her grandmother’s 45″ round quill flag 🙂
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We LOVE our next generation of the Dyed4you Community!!! Here Joshua is holding a precious NextGen D4Y-er who is enjoy her grandmother’s 45″ round quill flag 🙂
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Never to young to start using flags and quills. he he How precious and what a beautiful smile.
Couldn’t stop smiling watching her! Starting her out the right way.
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6 KJV)
My little “niece” she is completely fascinated with the Transformed quills! Every time Elaine pulls them out her eyes are glued to them. Love watching her start to worship and she was humming the entire time while playing with them. She is so very precious! !
She is a precious gift, and with the help of friends like Joshua and an awesome church home, her Mama, Daddy & I will bring her up as the worshiper Abba told me she would be!
Aww so sweet!!! 😉
I dont think there is anything purer than a childs worship, wow!
cuteness! So precious…
What a joy! Thank you for sharing! 🙂
i just love how children react with worship tools… makes me wonder if the Lord has a swat team of babies, running all over Heaven, worshipping with banners!
which reminds me, Meghan, i’ll have to see if a decent picture came out of Aidyn at a full run around a meeting hall, squealing with glee with Pouring from Heaven at full mast!
@ Christie…what a cool saying, “Pouring from Heaven at full mast.”
Yes, Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world.
Don’t you just feel like a little child whey you worship Him. I can only imagine that the colors bring out the little child all the more as well as His love.
[…] You’ve seen this cutie-pie before in NextGen Dyed4you Community […]