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Fear Not Flag Ministry

I’ve been in a state of righteous anger about how many believers are plagued with fear and anxiety.  I blogged on it a couple weeks ago at the same time the Father put it on my heart to birth Fear Not silk (the style of the swing flags used in this video). The silk is intended to carry a fear/anxiety breaker anointing.

It’s anointed with an oil from the Scent of Heaven called Be of Good Courage, which is based on  Joshua 1:9

“Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”

And the deeper meaning of this oil reads:

The Father has been repeatedly emphasizing that we are entering a season where we need to know we must be of good courage. This is a timely word. We need to operate in courage now.

This flag ministry is done to a song called I Will Trust, which is from Destiny Church’s new album called Forever Worthy (it’s a great album and very anointed! It’s available on iTunes).

Know that as I minister, I am agreeing in prayer for all fear and anxiety to break!  And that His perfect love would completely saturate you and your homes/offices/etc. leaving no room for the enemy to move… I pray it blesses you 🙂

Oh and by the way – I am SO excited about the Swing Flag Giveaway and the fact that you guys are subscribing to the blog, which means that I can post something like this in the middle of the night and not worry if y’all are going to miss seeing the post on FB because it’s going straight in your emails! Yay 🙂

View swing flags

31 thoughts on “Fear Not Flag Ministry

  1. love you jesus and thank you for your love judy

  2. Awesome…!

  3. I need these swings! Was thinking of the “right” pair of swings to get for my ministry & personally and these are it! Fear & anxiety had plagued my early life and though conquered thru Christ, still tries to rear its ugly head in attempts to hinder what God is doing or about to do– but yes– Perfect Love CASTS OUT fear, and I soo want to break that stronghold for others. I’m going to Nicaragua in October for my first missions trip, taking my banners & flags to minister to the children and leaders & people at the 5 City of God Churches. These swings are what I need. Money is an issue especially now in my fundraising to meet the cost of this trip, but as my friend says, GOD’S WILL IS GOD’S BILL! How much for a pair of THESE SWINGS and could I receive them by October? Thank you!

  4. That seriously made me want to jump right into the screen and worship with you! I stand in agreement for the breaking of fear and anxiety over His people.
    I love the music! It’s definitely something I will check out on iTunes. Thank you for sharing, Meghan, and may Abba bless you abundantly for your obedience and kingdom work.
    Much love to you!!! 🙂

  5. Lord break every chain of fear and anxiety off your sons and daughters in Jesus name.

  6. My husband shared with a group of men at our church about a story of a man that was troubled with Fear. He asked the Lord to open his spiritual eyes to see what Fear looked like….when the Lord opened his eyes, he saw this little, 2 inch imp. He asked the Lord, ‘is this what I have been afraid of?’ And the Lord said, ‘Yes, see he is afraid of you! and he projects HIS fear of you ONTO you. So what you think is your fear, is his NOT yours. His goal is to get you so afraid to move that you wont step out and do what I have called you to do, that is to OVERCOME Fear. For I did not give you the spirit of fear but of a SOUND MIND.
    So now when I begin to feel fearful, I just remember that story and tell that little imp to get under my feet in Jesus Name!

  7. You can feel the Fathers hand reach through the screen and remove the burdens of fear.

  8. My favorite scriptures to break the power of fear are:
    -For God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power, and love, and of a sound mind
    -Do not be anxious (fearful) about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace og God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
    – …for He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee…The Lord is my helper, I will not fear what man shall do unto me

    The anointing breaks the yoke of fear and bondage and warriors full of the spirit of God, ready and able to shout the praises of God Almighty are much needed in this hour, to stand as never before and decalre God’s sovernity and to declare freedom in the name of Christ. The wonderful expression of that anointing and freedom is in the demonstration of these flags.

  9. Thanks for this. I always feel worried about the idea of drawing attention to myself in worship of any sort. I want to flag so badly, but have really been held back. Hopefully soon! 🙂

    Thanks for this amazing word.

  10. PS. I’m so glad you posted about signing up to get your blog via email! I didn’t know I could (never saw it before on your site) and am excited I’ll be able to keep watching your amazing posts! 😀

  11. What a wonderful ministry you offer! I just want to agree with you that this worship video would touch peoples lives and set them free but even more that your flags would go out into the hands of worshipers and touch the multitudes. There are so many that need to be set free of fear and anxiety and oh, how much His Kingdom would advance it they were. It would spark a revival like no other!! May they then be filled and overflowing with His Love and Joy and that will be their strength. Blessings to you Meghan and may He continue to pour out creativity, wisdom and knowledge for His Kingdom and Glory.

  12. Perfect !! perfect timing. I love It. Thank you so much for sharing.

  13. thankful for your ministry Meghan.
    this speak volumes for me. i started to watch and started because i was interested what colours are this flags – and was kind disapointed – don’t know why at first because i love blue and yellow. but, as i was kind ignorant, but Holy Spirit put me to watch and as you start to dance with both flags – something desapear from me, and joy started to raise up. so, i understand that you minister to me – and it’s awesome that you move on with your ministries – not just to make flags but as you put everything in video – it’s direct ministries to us that watch.

    thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    you are blessing and inspiration and keep you in prayer to walk in full speed as Holy Spirit leads you!

    thank you Jesus for Meghan her family and ministries you give to them. keep them safe in your good hand only for their good! thank you Jesus!!!!

  14. SO amazing! I felt such peace as I watched this! Thank you for sharing! 🙂

  15. Beautiful.

  16. Fear, anxiety, disappointment, failure, worthlessness, you name it! That is how I operated in life before the Lord healed this broken woman.

    I could not live outside our covenant by living in fear and anxiety, so I devoted much time and contemplation to verses Philippians 4:6-9. Then I was put to the acid test.

    Now, when even a smudge of fear or anxiety passes by my heart, I speak out loud, “Jesus, I trust in You.” I am then back in alignment with His grace…as His grace is sufficient.

    Oh, s/he who the Son has set free is free indeed. Sometimes “we” hold on to our old bondages because we don’t know how to surrender them to the Lord, but he said to give Him all that makes us weary and to take up His yoke, as it is easy. Trials and tribulations are often a means to bring us closer to the Lord. That is when we must stand firm and trust that He is with us and remember that He promised to always protect us and never leave us.

    As a suggestion, please take care on what you fix your thoughts upon as Paul states: “on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” Philip. 4:8 (Like worshipping with the beautiful scarfs) 🙂

    We serve a good and mighty God. Be not burdened. I will include all those who belong to dyed4you and struggle with fear and anxiety in my prayers that our Lord will set you free. Bless you with His Son’s love and kisses to all.

    Your sister in Christ,

  17. One of my favorites birthed from His heart 🙂

  18. Beautiful. I love these!

  19. Amen……all fear and anxiety be gone in Jesus Name……bring Your presence more and more into our lives, for perfect love casts out all fear…..and You are that perfect love. More of You God!!!!!!

  20. wow… I am near about speechless… Meghan, when you gaze upwards and the silk slides against your face, it is like you and Abba are kissing each other. as I continue to watch more kisses, the joy starts to bloom, the realization of that deep, abiding, unconditional Love. And then the freedom bursts forth!!! Perfect Love casts out fear. wow!!

  21. beautiful meghan his spirit is in you an apon you. we see in his eyes glory to you abba 🙂

  22. Meghan, this becomes more beautiful the more it is viewed. Not sure what is more lovely, your face shining with love and adoration or everything…

  23. I’m very moved by this. the colors + the music are incredible.

  24. I love these.

  25. Wow i love the colors and the title. I have for many years been bound by fear. I know that that Jesus has been breaking that off of me. I even had a fear of just releasing the dance He has placed in me to the point were i just worried so much about what people thought for fear of being judged. He has brought me out of that thank you Jesus. Love this thank you again meghan…

  26. Praise the Lord for His love that casts all fear out. Beautiful Meghan!

  27. […] got to see a pair of Fear Not swing flags a while back, well this is an 11×60 silk that was created at the same time.  […]

  28. Reminded me of my life verse: “Fear not for I am with you, be not dismayed for I am your God I will help you, I will strengthen you. I will uphold you with my victorious right hand. ” Is. 41:10 Beautiful worship, An awesome gifting from the Lord.

  29. Wow what an anointing on those flags!!!!!

  30. Jesusssssssssssssssssssssss!

  31. I receive this ministry today and am in agreement for the body as well!

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