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Restoring Her Heart & Dance

Lovely testimony on a single swing flag in the Preparing for the Bridegroom design. You saw a pair of these before.

One of the things I love about this testimony is that it touches on a principle I’ve mentioned before, which is that the silk letters are a jumping off point – they’re the beginning of a conversation with the Father, not a conversation in its entirety šŸ™‚

Dear Meghan, here is my testimony finally! I must say that getting this written and the video made has been quite a challenge! Every time I’ve tried something has come up, health issues, 3 year old issues, too windy/wet outside, too messy inside ;p Etc.

It wasn’t until this morning that God pointed out that it was opposition (duh!) LOL

So I attempted to push through and do it anyway…even if it’s not perfect and even if I don’t care for how I look while dancing ;pĀ  (Sorry it’s not the best video, the playroom is a little crowded ;p And you’ll have to forgive the “oopsie” moment) LOL

I received my swing flag a couple of weeks ago and I was ecstatic and astounded!!!Ā  It was NOT what I was expecting, but it is stunning and perfect!

The first thing I did was take a nap with it draped over me! I even slept with it the first night! šŸ™‚

My flag is call “Preparing for the Bridegroom” – The colors are

Plum= intimacy
White= pure-hearted bride
Chartreuse= flourishing
Coral= going deep with God

The scripture Song of Solomon 6:3 “I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine!”

It was anointed with the oil Wedding Feast, as a reminder of the Lord’s love for us, His commitment to us, and His protection over us! The scripture for this is Song of Solomon 2:4 “He has taken me to the banquet hall, and His banner over me is love!”

In this relationship the Lord is teaching you to truly die to self and become alive and new in Him!

Years ago I used to dance all the time in worship, I felt so free and so loved when I did. I stepped into His presence almost daily, The Father was my best friend at a time when I had none. I was in a place of great intimacy with Him! I was flourishing. Then life started slowly creeping in and changing things.

God introduced me to my husband at 17 and I married him at 19, we moved churches, to a much smaller church where I didn’t feel as comfortable dancing. Then a week shy of our first anniversary

I had our daughter! We were overjoyed! She’s perfect, an amazingly brilliant little girl with a great heart for Jesus and love of song and dance! After having her my weight went way up and my health declined, gall bladder surgery at 5 weeks postpartum, Postpartum depression, and then fibromyalgia, insulin resistance, and PMDD. I began to feel as though there was a huge chasm between God and I.

I knew in my head that He was right there, but my heart no longer felt His heart…. I felt like I was talking to a brick wall instead of a trusted friend. I quit dancing…. I was in too much pain and I felt too fat. I began to struggle with more fear, anxiety and anger. I became someone I really didn’t like, someone unworthy, a failure. I’ve struggled with these things for 4 years….

Within the last couple of months things have slowly started changing…. I’m hearing His voice a little clearer, I’m seeing again, dreaming again. Feeling the desire to dance again. God has been talking to me about going deeper with Him again, being drawn back into that place of intimacy! I’ve been dreaming about dancing with Him, He has shown me visions of going into a secret grotto where He is waiting to teach me the steps!

I’ve felt like if I could just get closer, go deeper, seek more, That He will make me new! He will heal me in all the areas that need healing. That I will flourish! These are all things that He has been speaking to me through various things.

SO when my flag came I was nearly speechless! It’s so perfect! The times that I’ve danced with it have been amazing! I can feel His love over me when I use it, in my minds eye I can see Him dancing with me….leading me..bringing me deeper! There is sooooooo much more in this flag then just what it talks about on the paper!

During the end of one of the days at our church’s VBS, after the kids had gone home, I felt led to dance in the sanctuary where we met every morning and afternoon for worship with the kids. It felt kind of icky and I just started dancing. As I did I could see in my mind’s eye my flag became a sword and it was cutting away snakes and thorny vines that were attempting to grow in that place. God reminded me that perfect love casts out fear!

This flag, His banner of Love, became more then and instrument of worship, it became a weapon for warfare as well! I can’t even begin to explain how much this has blessed me, or how much it means to me! And I’m sure that it will only get better as time goes on! I’m already thinking of ways to save up for my next flag!!!

Thank you so much for being so open to the Father’s voice! And for being so ready and willing to follow it!Ā  Blessings!

View swing flags

17 thoughts on “Restoring Her Heart & Dance

  1. What a wonderful testimony and a beautiful song!!!

  2. Oh yeah…the freedom is back, your worship brought me tears

  3. so very beautiful you are dancing for our Poppa!! truly annointed.

  4. Beautiful love story- touches a familiar place.

  5. Oh wow! I was so blessed by this testimony and video. Your dancing is beautiful and makes God smile. I love that you felt the need to worship in the sanctuary and you didn’t let the icky feeling stop you. Spiritual discernment and sounds like you changed the atmosphere. So glad that these flags have brought you blessings and healing. I pray that you see the impact that your battle in the spirit has had on everyone that enters the sanctuary and your life. Thank you so much for sharing!!

    Meghan, these flags are beautiful as always. Thank you for listening to Papa God. šŸ™‚

  6. Wow!

    @Brie I’m praying for you and look forward to more flag testimonies and breakthroughs! I’m gonna love the jubilee video when you’ve been beyond restored/healed! <3 Don't stop dancing sis evaaaaah! šŸ˜€

    @Meghan, these are gorgeous, and wow what an awesome message with it! I have been researching the chuppah lately, I'm just curious what you can tell me about the chuppah?

    @Carol, I know I teared up too and felt sheer love and joy watching her worship!


  7. What song is this? I know I should know it, I just can’t place it.

  8. Wow, thank you all! I’m so amazed by the way God can use me to bless others šŸ™‚

    @ Melissa, thank you! šŸ™‚ And the song is called “Closer” by Bethel Music, from Bethel Church in Redding CA.

  9. BEAUTIFUL wow šŸ™‚

  10. So beautiful. . . I’ve always wanted to learn to worship like this. . . thanks so much for sharing the videos and your beautiful works of art!

    Bless you!

  11. Beautiful Dancer…I saw Angels dancing with you. Surely you will receive a healing and restoration.

    Thank you for sharing. Please continue to dance and worship. Never stop warring. The Kingdom needs you. Welcome back to the good fight.

  12. I LOVED it Brie and so did HE…giggle giggle. I love the worshiping warrior princess that you are!

  13. You look beautiful dancing! What is the music entitled?

  14. just had to watch this vid again and again totaly blessed. feeling very impressed to say to Brie, just like this dance was slightly interrupted when you dropped the silk, so has it been in your life. You never quit dancing in the vid and you never quit dancing for the Lord in your heart. When you picked up the flag and started dancing with it again, the dance became that much more mature in His Love, that much freer, that much more intimate, that much more full of joy. just plain old MORE and that is how it will be from now on. So much more…..and then some more.

  15. Wow! Thank you! All these comments bring me to tears! I feel so blessed! šŸ™‚

  16. You know Brianne, as soon as this video started I saw you as a very young woman dancing before the Lord. I have not met you, but I’m sure that what I saw was you as a teen. I couldn’t see whatever had happened in these past years, I just saw you as if anything had ever happened. The Lord sees you like that. He doesn’t keep a record of that period of your life. It has been forgotten… I pray for healing and restoration. Thank you. And thank you Meghan for posting this. This video has blessed me tremendously! It’s been included as one of my favorite stories. Loved it. ā™„ ā™„

  17. Got chills watching the video, how beautiful and lovely.

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