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Passion for His Glory Wings

A stunning pair of MW quills (medium wing – aka standard – quills) called Passion for His Glory.ย  When I first “saw” the purple and orange in my head I thought it would be horrible – LOL!ย  Boy was I wrong!!!

Then He confirmed it when I discovered my Prophetic Team Lead had seen the same thing in a dream! God is so good ๐Ÿ™‚

Try not to laugh when you see me trip over my pants… they’re kinda big (good problem) – LOL!

The video has music from Destiny Churchโ€™s new album called Forever Worthy (itโ€™s a great album and very anointed! Itโ€™s available on iTunes).

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27 thoughts on “Passion for His Glory Wings

  1. Wow! So beautiful! I don’t really care for orange either, but with the purple it looks so great! The more I see the quills the more I want to try them!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ Although they wouldn’t fit in my purse as well as my swing flag! ๐Ÿ™‚ And I love to watch you dance! It makes me want to dance too!

  2. I love that orange has been let loose! These are gorgeous! Something about a border that grabs me too. That still pic puts me in mind of a matador!

  3. What is the price for MW Passion For His Glory quills? Moves my spirit! Thanks! Love those colors– they shift the atmosphere!

  4. They look like fire-tipped wings. Gorgeous.

  5. I’ve noticed in other posts that you’ll mention a slip or a blooper, if you will, and Meghan, I honestly NEVER see it! I’m not sure if I’m so moved by the fluid beauty of the silk or if it’s watching you’re beautiful worship, but I have thought every time that I’ll know it when I see it and I get to the end and I’m like “What’s she talking about?”!!! LOL! All I ever notice is how gorgeous your creations through Father God are and how lovely it is to see you dance before our King. AND… I adore the orange and purple! It’s bold and passionate and beautiful! ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. I love purple and orange together… i have a lot of that in my flower garden ๐Ÿ™‚
    to that end… these are simply stunning!

  7. not sure that God ever sees the slip or blooper. that would be the ‘it-wasn’t-perfect-enough-so-God-won’t-like-it-man-tho’t’. what i notice is that your worship is bigger and stronger and has more movement! now that is what God sees!
    love this pair of wings. love the deep dark colors. certainly will grab His attentions. the combo of the color and worship and worshiper’s heart is what makes the passion for His glory magnificent.

  8. fire of His glory: purple and orange in motion!
    and you are fill with His glory!

  9. pretty love you be blessed today judy

  10. I didn’t see the trip either but i do love those wings! Those garments do have a good healthy sag. Good for you!

  11. Majestic and royal worship due our KING!

    True love.

  12. The joy of the Lord is all over your face. It’s just a blessing watching you worship God. The wings are beautiful.

  13. The purple and orange are absolutely stunning! Beautiful worship!

  14. Stunning!!!!

  15. They are beautiful!!! I am drawn to them!!

  16. ooooo Meghan, were you and Abba playing here?? wonderful, fluid, freedom in joyful worship!!!!

  17. Warring worship !!! Love those colors together ! Royal purple & warring fire orange….

  18. I’m amazed. I love the orange and purple combo. Frankly Meghan, it think it’s soooo youuuu!

  19. Loving the purple and the orange

  20. I โ™ฅ these and the colors. I too have to say “I didn’t see you slip up”. But then of course I was just watching you worship, the beauty of the wings flowing and the SMILE on your face as you Worshiped Him.

    I am all so excited that I was able to get on to the site this morning. For some reason my copmuter wouldn’t connect to Dyed4you for over a week ๐Ÿ™ I am happy now…

    Thank you Jesus for all that you do for us. We so love you!

  21. Totally missed the blooper! The worship is wonderful!

  22. […] is a pair of MW quills (medium wing quills) called Passion for His Glory – you may have seen my demo a few days […]

  23. Orange! Love the orange!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ And I agree with so many other of the comments! Enthusiastic, anointed lively praise!! Taking new ground!

  24. Awesome i love it and i didnt see you trip at all you look very graceful.

  25. Very beautiful video ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. love the orange means harvest thats what hes doing in are lifes praise you Yahweh

  27. […] Quill in 8mm weight. This pair is called Revelation of the Hidden Things.ย  As you know I love MW Quills, but I thoroughly enjoyed using these slightly larger and heavier weight quill wings (that have a […]

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