A friend from church wanted a scarf and her young daughter wanted to buy it as a gift for her. So I made one with her in mind. She wasn’t able to purchase it at the time and so I prayed about whether I should just give it to her, but didn’t feel released to do so at that time. A year later, the scarf was still sitting in my prayer closet (aka living room) and I wondered to God why He hadn’t released me to give it to her yet.
A little while later I ran into my friend’s daughter at church and sensed a nudge to tell her I would give her the scarf to give her mother. Excitedly I hurried to tell her, which of course she was thrilled by!
I dropped the scarf off for her at church later in the week and she scurried off to give it to her mom. Later that evening I got an email from another friend who had been teaching the class my scarf-recipient friend was in when her daughter brought in her gift:
We had [the woman receiving the scarf and her husband] in our Small Group. Tonight was the last night. They have had a rough week as their car was broke down. They are such a neat couple and have really seen the hand of God in their finances. When we were leaving with them, their little girl – gave her mom a gift. It was one of your scarves!
She has been wanting one for a long time, but no money to get one! The scarf was beautiful….it was her favorite color and the name was Majestic Praise! The scripture and verses were just what she needed to hear! She started crying and was so blessed by her daughter’s gift.
I heard the little girl whisper to her dad…..I didn’t have to pay for it……so just wanted to say…..whoever, however…..just wanted you to know your scarf blessed her and God spoke when it was designed!
God’s timing is so perfect! Later the mom contacted me:
I don’t know how to thank you for my amazing gift. It means so much to me that I can’t even put it into words. I came home and right away did a study on Is. 61:7 WOW!!!! You for sure heard from The Lord on this scarf. Had me, and the me I’m becoming all over it. Bless you, with my whole heart I say Bless You Much!!!
God’s timing is perfect. Too much to put in writing, so lets talk soon, and I can tell you how amazing it was to get your scarf now. Thanks again, and watch me fly as I continue to go through my time of intensified testing with flying colors… His timing is perfect, so we know we will get a break right when we need it.
I love to see how God works! And it has blessed me to see that nearly every time she leads worship in the prayer room, you’ll see her with her scarf – Majestic Praise – on her head 🙂
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His timing is always perfect.
Ok, I’m laughing to myself because before I read this on here I saw what you had posted on Facebook about this taking awhile to post on here. I commented before reading this that I’m sure it was God’s perfect timing. THen I read all about this GIFT being God’s perfect timing! Hahaha!!! I LOVE it! He’s so fun like that 🙂
Beautiful testimony, and I must say she looks STUNNING with it covering her. It reminds me that we are clothed in His righteousness which is like being clothed in majesty like royalty (which we are of course!). I read how she leads worship in the prayer room with it and I can just see her dressing herself with a garment of praise and humility and the Lord so delights in her! Her majestic praise is a direct result of her heart and how she clothes herself. She is so BEAUTIFUL and TREASURED in the sight of the Lord; Apple of His eye, He delights in her; daughter of royalty with a rich inheritance. Mmmm….what a rare, special treasure she is to Him!
Beautiful story. Love how God orchestrates everything perfectly.