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Streamer Pair

This was my first time using two streamers at once – and it looks BEAUTIFUL!  This is a matching pair of 4 yard streamers. The mama of Dyed4you (watch the History of Dyed4you to understand the title), suggested using two in one hand and it DOES look beautiful!

The music is called Sweet Sweet Sound from Ariel Henry 🙂

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24 thoughts on “Streamer Pair

  1. Wow, 2 in one hand is very dramatic and oh so elegant! Love it!
    I also especially like one in each hand as you twirled around, great look.
    They are just so versatile.

  2. You have the absolute best job in the world!!! 😀 lol

  3. lovely!!

  4. these are Beautiful! So Elegant!!!

  5. These are Beautiful. So elegant. <3

  6. I wonder what it will look like to put two streamers on each rod! :))))

  7. See?! pretty cool, huh? has a dramatic effect with red and white or black and white or red and black!!! you know… like sin washed away, or the prophetic, or any number of combinations to get the Word across in color. white with pink. blue with green or aqua. gold and purple. and when you have two or more who mimic or copy or join together, there is power on it corporately. very powerful. loves

  8. WOW!! What a Beautiful way to start off my morning 🙂

    Yes!! 2 in one hand are Beautiful!

    I know a little girl that would just ♥ these. During the Summer Olympics she was telling me about the girls that did routines with streamers, and how she like to watch them 🙂 She had a smile on her face when telling me. Can you image the smile on her face if she had a pair… Makes me feel all happy.

    Bless you Meghan

  9. Absolutely beautiful!

  10. Words cannot describe how much I love this!

  11. OH my goodness! I am so in love with the streamers! SO beautiful!

  12. meghan beautiful great job love it shalom my friend

  13. you did great with 2 ya! love ya

  14. You looked like His little child worshipping at His feet. There was a sense of fun and excitement and awe of the Father. Joy in His presence. 🙂

  15. Again the gift that the Father has given you is beyond words

  16. Wow i love streamers i have to say though i love watching you praise with the streamers….beautiful graceful i love it

  17. those make me happy! i love using 2 at a time of -anything-, but these may be a new favorite.

  18. So cool…. made me think double portion…… love the look and flow! And the joy….

  19. Okay so I am now officially in LOVE with your streamers. I have always been a fan of streamers in general , but Meghan you make worshipping with them look flawless and amazing. I love them. I feel an order coming 😉

  20. WOW!!! they are beautiful and so flowing!!! GREAT JOB!

  21. Beautiful! Love the 2 together, like they are dancing, Jesus leads & we follow:)

  22. Love this song and love these streamers!

  23. Streamers are so beautiful in motion …And you handled them soo well! I have two 108″ (aprox.) streamers and sometimes, when I try to use them at the same time, they get tangled. :/ You are very gifted Mrs. Meghan!!! 🙂 Blessings! [They are bold and powerful]

  24. :O Stunning 😀

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