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Fall Feasts’ Sabbath Days

Hard to believe the Fall Feasts are upon us! You may remember I gave you FYIs in the spring for the Feast of Unleavened Bread and Pentecost (Feast of Weeks) and it suddenly occurred to me that in addition to the normal weekly sabbath I have 4 high sabbaths coming up that I needed to make you guys aware of not to mention that I will be largely on vacation (yay!) for most of Feast of Tabernacles, so I want to help you plan accordingly 🙂

In Leviticus 23 it outlines the various sabbaths – both the weekly one and the ones connected to the seven biblical feasts.  In accordance with the Hebrew “day” I always observe my sabbath from sunset to sunset, so on the dates I give below please know I’ll actually disappear the evening before.  Here are the upcoming sabbaths I’ll be disappearing for in addition to the typical one each week.

I will be largely unavailable from 9/30/12 to 10/9/12 because we will be camping (i.e. living in our wilderness tabernacle – LOL)!   Undoubtedly you’ll see pics and video later from some if not all these feasts. I know the youth are doing a couple dances involving Dyed4you silks this weekend as we’re doing a weekend conference in honor of Feast of Trumpets.  I’m sure it’s going to be beautiful so stay tuned 🙂

I will do my best to ship anything ordered by 9/21 before I go (assuming I have it in stock). Please let me know if you have any questions!

9 thoughts on “Fall Feasts’ Sabbath Days

  1. To bad I won’t be able to keep this feast this year. Camping would be awesome for eight days.

  2. La Shana Tova to begin with, and may this season of atonement and celebration of the fall feasts be a blessing to you and Allen as well as D4Y!

    Blessings <3

  3. Thank you for sharing! I am so excited about the Feast of Trumpets this year. Blessings!

  4. Blessings over your time away! Love to you and yours!!! 

  5. HAVE FUN! Oh, I can’t wait to start doing this. Zero prospects, but a girl can dream. Can’t wait for pics 🙂

  6. Blessings & shalom to you & Allen & the team !!! Have a wonderful time encountering the Lord in your tabernacle :o)

  7. Wish I could be there as you tabernacle in His Presence!

  8. […] our youth put together for the Feast of Trumpets Conference this past weekend (you may remember I mentioned it). They did an AMAZING job and we were all SO proud – it was so […]

  9. Papa God bless you richly as you guys separate yourselves to celebrate Jesus! 😀

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