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Boys DO worship

This is a beautiful story about a young fella using his mom’s M quill flag. You actually heard her testimony a little while back too! And if you’re like me, this story will prompt you to pray… I’ll share more on that at the end.

Hi Meghan! I wanted to share my son’s testimony with you! Tonight I was worshiping and I invited my son to join me. He was saved at the age of 5 and was baptized last month.

He said “no mommy, boys don’t worship”. I said “yes boys and men worship too”. Well the Holy Spirit whispered to me “he hasn’t ever seen a man worship”. Wow! This completely shocked me! It was so true! Unfortunately my husband isn’t walking with the Lord.

I showed him the videos of Allen worshiping and he was so excited! He picked up my quill “Bold Passion” and began dancing and worshiping God with such a passion and pure heart. It was beautiful!

Thanks Meghan and Allen! God bless you!

This story is a big reminder we all need to pray that the MEN would come into position both as worshiping warriors as well as heads of households and reflections of Christ’s love for us – let’s all agree in prayer both specifically over this family as well as all those in the D4Y Community and the Body of Christ at large… and to the men who are already in position, we BLESS you!

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18 thoughts on “Boys DO worship

  1. What a great story! Would love to see video of him worshiping with his momma’s flag:)

  2. Thank you Allen for being an example and inspiring others! Praise God for the breaking of lies over this young man!

  3. I’m always amazed at how what we do and say can affect others. So blessed to know I’ve influenced a life for Messiah Yeshua.

    There was a time I thought men worshipping, especially with flags, was not very manly at all. However it’s obvious my heart has been changed.

    May the Fathers love continue to draw this young one closer to His heart. And may YHWH be pleased with this little one’s offering of worship.

  4. Amazing! I to wish more men would realize the effect they have on the atmosphere Ben they worship in dance. I have been searching and searching for a strong male to teach young men at our studio ….. Still searching and praying. Believing for Papa to send the right one:)

  5. I went to a worship dance conference once that helped me to understand that men worship differently. When I gave a short class at out church, Allen was the only male. ! had never utilized or tried what I had learned before, but I gave it a shot. Most men are not wanting to move like females, all soft and flowing. That is the deception that satan would want to use to keep men from worshipping. What I was told is that these flags are our worship weapons of warfare; no matter how we use them, our worship is what does the warfare. Our worship blesses the socks off God and He moves on our behalf because of our heart towards Him. These flags are our worship instruments. Men like to move with with weapons and instruments. Manly movements may begin to open a man up to worship with flags or dance. so my suggestion is to tell our men to worship like they are using a sword or drum sticks, to move with steps, jumps and leaps that are as if they are in combat in ranks or one on one. It breaks the ice to feel more comfortable with expressive movement type worship.

  6. Thank you everyone for the wonderful comments! This was definitely an eye opening experience. I am very diligent about teaching my boys the Word of God, but God showed me that worship is an area that I’ve been neglecting as I train up my children. I’m so thankful for God’s guidance and wisdom! Its my heart’s desire to raise my boys to be powerful men of God!

    God bless you all!!

  7. I forgot to mention…. Once Nicholas started worshipping and praising, my youngest son who is 4 began worshipping too! It was a beautiful night! 🙂

  8. We just watched the Courageous movie last night and are about to start going through the book the Resolution for Women. I think that would be a beautiful name for a silk: Courageous. Of course I don’t know if you have one already. This is a wonderful story!

  9. Awesome!! We have been praying for years for men to rise up and worship…I am seeing a couple of men at the onsets of freedom while worshipping and cant wait till total freedom hits!! I will definetly be praying!

  10. Wow!! This is wonderful. I like the comments above about men worshipping like with a sword or drum movements. My husband and I have been talking a lot about worship and we have men that worship some in our church but not one that we can point to to say “here’s an example”. Lord open our men to freely worship – in the way that YOU would have them to so that they aren’t tricked by the enemy to feel unmanly!! Show them how to worship YOU like David did. We believe we receive our Men Worshipping the Lord our God in Spirit and in Truth. Amen!!

  11. I love to see the men shamelessly pick up a worship tool and move before the Lord. There’s something -on- the anointing that breaks forth. It’s usually so easy for us ladies to get enraptured in the spirit, alone or in front of hundreds. When we all come together as one, the foundation of the Kingdom is laid and WHEW! can Holy Ghost move!

  12. I agree; it’s an AWESOME sight to watch the men and young boys worship with flags, streamers, and in dance. The leader of our Flag ministry – HallalWarriors- is an awesome man of God that loves to worship and dance! He actually taught me how to worship with flags! He also gave me my very first Dyed4You silk!! 🙂

    Meghan, I am in agreement with you on the prayer points too!

  13. dance like davied dancet all you guy Yahweh loves are worship when where in his presins nothing eles matters but being with him in intamisee love you all love an shalom 🙂

  14. Blessings to Allen for being an example!! It was a wonderful testimony! ♥

  15. Blessings to Allen for being an example!

  16. Awww 😀 Praise God for your son 😀 It is so amazing the hearts these little ones have to worship 😀 I know that was such a blessing to you!!!

  17. wow. I missed this one somehow……this is a truly beautiful story and I love it. It is so awesome when men worship. I tend to wonder what it does in the heavenlies when men take their place in worship. what is interesting tho is that even in the bible, there is not to much mention of men worshipping. In the old testament, it was Marion and the women that went out to battle first with the tambourines and dances and singing….

    But when a man does worship, like David, it is POWERFUL!

    Good catch Jennifer in catching where the boys were not getting it… they are going to be mighty men of God!!

  18. Woow! You can really see God moving through him just by the photograph. God works his wonders in all, and Is no respecter of persons. Bless his Name!

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