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The Blood MW

A single MW quill called The Blood – this is the same style you saw in the Feast of Trumpets Youth Dance (which if you haven’t seen it I suggest watching it – it was powerful!) in the MR quill size.  A simple, but powerful design!

The video has music from Destiny Church’s album called Forever Worthy (it’s a great album and very anointed! It’s available on iTunes).

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12 thoughts on “The Blood MW

  1. beautiful an i most say you are look just great an beatiful as well love an shalom

  2. Yes…the blood of Jesus that makes us white as snow…..we are clean, pure, because of the blood….awesome Quill….lots of power….. there is power in the blood…….

  3. Beautiful

  4. such victory and joy in this praise Meghan!! yea!!

  5. Wow Beautiful!! You seem different somehow when worshipping with this quill. More free!!!

  6. MEGHAN!!! your dancing is getting SO free! WOO HOOOOOO!

  7. Very Pretty!

  8. Awesome and powerful!

  9. I really melt when I see these. They touch me deeply. I agree with Christie, I love the freedom I see in your dancing, it is powerful! Dance on dance on!!!

  10. Just lovely and I am blessed to watch you every time. Beautiful!! Love you

  11. What can wash away my sin…nothing but the Blood of Jesus!!! Thank you Jesus for Your Blood!! Thank you for deminstrating the Blood!

  12. I love to watch you worship. It is such an experience. God bless you continually. And my church ministry is still being impacted by the introduction of flags to our worship experience, so thank you again.

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