Six plus years and I never grow tired of hearing the testimonies! This is a 35×84 silk that was birthed just recently and was some timely confirmation…
Oh Meghan… I LOVE LOVE LOVE the scarf I rcvd on Thursday. It was the YHVH Bore (the Lord, the Creator) veil. Everything you wrote was HUGE confirmation of this new season that God has allowed me to enter. The colors, the scriptures and words you shared resonated deeply within me.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful gift as a ministry. What a blessing. I dance with it, wrap it around me when writing my books and during intercessory prayer. It’s beautiful. What a priceless treasure… Thank you.
View 35×84
A beautiful scraf for a beautiful woman of God! I love the colors on her.
so precious testimony
I just love it when God does this. Thank you for being used of the Father this way.
She is absolutely glowing with the Light and Glory of God. What a great testimony!
I wonder if anyone has ‘slept’ with their silk? For the last two days, I’ve been ‘drawn’ to do this. My dyed silk is ‘coming promises,’ and I received it last April, 2011. I’ve only worn it once, at the leading of Holy Spirit. Now, my silk has been consuming my spirit for the last tow days.
Your giftings in making these beautiful silks are profound, and very prophetic to those who receive them.
@Katie – YES! Happens so often in fact it has its own tag here on the blog 🙂
And thank you for your very sweet and encouraging words!
I’ve read the blog and its wonderful. I wasn’t able to sleep with my silk last night but I will tonight. I’m a little nervous about it and I don’t know why. I feel The Lord has a message for me in this act, and I don’t take it lightly.
Yes Katie I have slept with one of my silks several times. I also have a small scarf that I wear on my head and I have slept with it on at night as well. 🙂
great beautifull colors Ty to share 😉
I Love the scarf I received on Thursday. My scarf is Isaiah 54. From the colors, to the scriptures and the oil “Restoration”; everything you wrote was on target for where I am in my walk with the Lord.
I have already danced and prayed with the scarf, claiming “restoration” not only to myself but to all the barren in the body that will be prayed over with this scarf.
What an Awesome God we serve. Thank you for your obedience to the Lord with your ministry.
Jan Hicks, Saturated in Grace