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Promises of God Swing Flags

A fun pair of swing flags called Promises of God – it reminds me of a scattered rainbow or someone tossing handfuls of confetti! Such a beautiful explosion of color 🙂

Music is Jimmie Black live at my church

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24 thoughts on “Promises of God Swing Flags

  1. I love love love these! They are very mood lifting!

  2. These are gorgious!!! They definitely remind me of Yah’s promises. 🙂

  3. Thise were magnificant…just like he is…I love them!

  4. It’s like a mosaic… It’s like the promises of God are fulfilled in these chunks and pieces, this flag is like a mosaic representing how all of the pieces fit together as a beautiful masterpiece. I love it!

  5. I like the tossing confetti description! These are beautiful!!

  6. They make my heart sing for love of Him!!!

  7. I love the graceful swing movments at the beginning.


  9. Makes my imagine that those colors were the colors that resembled the cloud that the Israelites walked under on their journey to the promise land

  10. Ok, I was in love with the silk in your couch shot to begin with. I can’t begin to tell you how that particular pattern just spoke to my heart. His promises are “Yea and Amen”. If He has given you a word (promise), HE WILL FULFILL IT. It may not look like a put together rainbow, but it will happen. He is faithful. I likes the comment earlier about the mosaic. They (His promises) come together in many different and unexpected ways and the end result is this beautiful picture that you were never really expecting to see. Many times we “hear” Him speak and we put it into a box or a certain picture, but He is amazing and He can do anything He wants. And often times, in my experience, it looks absolutely NOTHING like I had imagined it to be! Sometimes, we even try to make it look like a rainbow and it comes back to us in the form of an elegant garden of color. He is AMAZING! His promises are beautiful gifts that color our lives with His glory for others to see. I am IN LOVE with Promises of God! It speaks VOLUMES to my heart and spirit!!! Thank you, Meghan, for sharing with us! You’ve made my day today! 

  11. You are sharing so many beautiful things at the moment. I would never know which one to choose if it was up to me. Good job I can leave that decision in God’s hands huh?

  12. Absolutely love the beautiful colors! And the song choice was perfect for demonstrating; you got a sense of hope! The Promises of God!

  13. Stephanie O said what my heart and spirit feels. And you’re doing a great job with two swing’s Meghan !

  14. Beautiful!

  15. Wow Meghan, those are BEAUTIFUL!

  16. Makes me think of Spring, which makes me think of new/new beginnings/fresh starts, and so on. Bearutiful!

  17. They are beautiful.

  18. Gorgeous!

  19. the colors are amazing in motion, the way they swirl around. love them!

  20. sooo… beautiful meghan just loveam love an shalom:)

  21. Wow these are pretty! Reminds me of opals or the sheen on a diamond. We are His royal diadem. Definitely alot of Papa’s heart here!

  22. These are so cheerful! They make my heart smile! 🙂

  23. […] 3yd streamer called Promises of God – you’ve seen this style in a different pattern on a pair of swing flags too. I just LOVE the way streamers move and the […]

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