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Introducing Large & Light Swing Flags

LLswingWe’re officially launching a new product called the Large & Light Swing Flags!  These are the same size as our large swing flags, but are made out of 5mm china silk instead of 8mm like the regular and large are.  That means they are lightweight and floaty – a slow flag – great for intimate devotion time!

It also means however they are VERY delicate – so guys may not want to mess with these much (yep that means you Joshua and AJ, who have been known to wear holes even in regular swing flags!).  You will see some wear even with delicate use, but since it’s a flag it will not inhibit it’s appearance when it is in use (especially since that part is in your hands).

If you use these in a delicate and floaty way they are intended to be used, you will be able to enjoy them for a good long while 🙂

Official introduction video with more explanation is below

Comparison to a regular swing flag

A couple videos of Large & Light Swing Flags in use

View swing flags

10 thoughts on “Introducing Large & Light Swing Flags

  1. Love both sets!! So beautiful! My wish list just keeps getting longer and longer! 🙂

  2. These large and light swing flags are just beautiful…. I will need to order a pair soon!

  3. I think I would really enjoy the lighter weight flags. 🙂

  4. Love light and flowy! A recent post mentioned a flag being flowy like a skirt and my mind’s eye won’t let that go. I need a light and flowy D4Y skirt!

  5. Awesome!!! Yeah Joshua would definitely wear holes in these, but then again I probably would too! 🙂

  6. D4y skirts!!! 🙂

  7. Oh they are so so beautiful!!!!! They look so amazing in motion!! I would be so afraid of ripping them though!!! I love how much slower they are though!

  8. They are beautiful!

  9. WOWOOO!!!! Beautiful meghan just love 🙂 love an shalom

  10. I love all your products can’t to get my own flags

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