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Regifted Blessing

Mishunda-caleb-swingflagsYou may remember the pair of swing flags that Caleb gifted me last spring, well Father had me regift them (He does this to me ALL the time with my flags!) and so I couldn’t resist sharing the beautiful worship the recipient shared with me 🙂

She also shared that the Father had her make an overlay to go with it.  The garment is named My Hands Were Made to War (Psalm 18:34). The song is by John Dreher Enjoy!

View swing flags

16 thoughts on “Regifted Blessing

  1. The blessing really has been all mine to have these in my life. To worship with them; to cry with them. To dance before God in my alone time and just let him breathe life back into me when perhaps I thought I was at me end. Bless you, Meghan, and your ministry and business. Blessings to Caleb as well.

  2. Love this so felt Holy Spirit was soothing to my soul. Thank you for sharing

  3. Sigh* I love this. Such pure love for the Father. Your passion definitely came through. Such a lovely, lovely gift. Bless you!!! Meghan, thanks for taking the time to share these, I know it blesses you, but it blesses me too 😀

  4. Beautiful…watching your intimate worship in the presence of the lover of your soul!

  5. Love the worship, and I really like the overlay and its name!

    regifting can be such a sblessing!


  6. Sooooooooooooooooo……………………..beautiful!

  7. Love the dance!!! Beautiful, but what blew me away was watching the shadow. It looked like an angel dancing in tandem before King Jesus and Papa God. 😀

  8. GORGEOUS, I love my flags from Caleb and can only dream of moving them so well!

  9. What a heart for worship she has. It brought tears to my eyes to see her dancing before her Lord. It was like watching the intimacy she has with him manifest before my eyes, and because she was doing it unto the Lord, I wanted to join in.
    Thank you for regifting, and sharing this Beautiful Woman of God’s heart with us.

  10. I love it!

  11. just breath takeing so beautiful. he so beathed on you my sister yahweh an yahshua bless you love an shalom 🙂

  12. Oh wow. Such kind words. Thank you. The love and peace between the visitors on this site is one of the reasons I love Dyed 4 You. Beverly Grace: I thought the exact same thing when I saw the video. I love my Father in heaven and I just hope to encourage others to do the same. Bless you all!

  13. weeping…….

  14. Very beautiful!

  15. Very pretty. I also enjoyed watching her shadow. G-d bless her!

  16. I loved this video. What beautiful worship.

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