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Quills, Streamers, Swing Flags, & Voi… Oh My!

AJ-RighteousWarFareThis is a long but very deep time of worship with 4 different types of worship elements (XL quills, 4yd streamer, regular swing flags, and 35×84 voi). You’ve seen these styles (or ones like them) before in Mantle of Elijah, Righteous Warfare, Prophetic Glory and You are My Hallelujah.

He had received 2 new Dyed4you pieces which he also shares his feedback on:

Hi Meghan/dyed4you team!

Just wanted to send a HUGE thanks for the last flags I bought from you (Mantle of Elijah swing flags, Righteous Warfare streamer). I couldn’t be happier with them! I also wanted to confirm that, again, you guys were dead on. I know there was a question as to whether or not Mantle of Elijah was for me or not, because they were so similar to my other ones. But I want to confirm- the moment I saw the picture online and heard the name I knew they were mine. I didn’t comment on the picture at all because I knew Father would do what he needed to without my help =)

Love you guys and be crazy, immensely, and wonderfully blessed!!!!!

I’m intentionally posting this on a Friday in hopes it will mean you guys have more time to be able to view this, but if you don’t have time for the whole thing and want to skip around the outline below tells you what is where:

Begins inside in sanctuary
0:00 to 1:56 – XL quills
2:00 to 3:04 – 4 yd streamer
3:06 to 4:21 – XL quills
4:26 to 3:36 – 4 yd streamer
6:50 to 9:41 – regular swing flags
9:45 to 10:26 – XL quills
10:30 to 14:46 – 35×84 voi
14:54 to 18:21 – regular swing flags

Changes to outside
18:29 to end – XL quills

View quills / streamer / swing flags / voi

19 thoughts on “Quills, Streamers, Swing Flags, & Voi… Oh My!

  1. I love seeing men let loose for the glory of the Father! Amazing! Thanks for sharing!

  2. wow they will worship HIM in spirit and in truth !!! no words to describe but this touched me deeply !!!

  3. Intense!

  4. Wow. Hard to write a comment when I am speechless!

  5. Can’t wait to check this all out!!!!!!!

  6. Intensely anointed!!! AJ you change the spiritual climate where ever you go. I see you changing different regions as you worship your King with such passion and zeal. I could feel the presence of God very strongly as I watched. What an incredible blessing you are to the body of Christ!

  7. Oh my gosh, I am so overwhelmed, I had tears pouring off of my face the whole video. You definitely provoke Holy Jealousy For Intimacy

  8. You could feel the anointing and Yah’s presence like nothing before!!! This was very very powerful!!!! What a tremendous gift you have AJ 🙂

  9. wow. I see worshipers all the time, but wow. That is why Meghan and I do this. To equip worship like that. I want MY worship to be that powerful. That is the illustration of prophecy in motion. I hear, “Go and do that.”
    I want to.

  10. wow aj my brother thats the ownly words i can say just amazzzing let yahweh an yahshua richely bless you an his face shine on you love an shalom:)

  11. allso beatiful work maghen just love :)mine blessing to you my sis love an shalom

  12. Wow, this is such a blessing!!! I can’t say how encouraging it is to see other men worshiping with flags. Love the Misty Edwards CD he’s worshiping to, as well! 🙂

  13. Awesome! Thanks for sending and posting!

  14. Beautiful!

  15. This is beautiful!!! what is the song please?? I would love to dance to this!!!

  16. The songs are from the albums Only a Shadow (Live) and Without Words by Misty Edwards and Bethel Music, respectively.

  17. Can you tell me what is in the quill flags, that allows them to bend as it moves?

    1. It’s a copyrighted design and I don’t even know. I send them to another ministry to be quilled.

      Bless you!

  18. This is how I feel like I look when I worship. Powerful, beautiful, elegant. Amazing!! Loved it.

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