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Constancy Swing Flags (with blooper)

Constancy-blooperBecause I’m not afraid to laugh at myself I decided not to edit this video so you get to see a blooper of me smacking myself in the face (which incidentally didn’t hurt, it only startled me – it only hurts if you get yourself in the eye! First rule of swing flags, don’t hit yourself – or any one else – in the eye!!!). This is a pair of regular swing flags called Constancy and the music is live from IHOP-KC. Enjoy!

View swing flags

17 thoughts on “Constancy Swing Flags (with blooper)

  1. LOL! Oh my gosh I do that too! But i do it when i’m not paying attention buahahahahaha! It’s all good, it doesn’t hurt, but it’s like oh, hello! LOL Love it!

  2. I did not see it the first time I watched it but the second time I did…practice makes perfect they say…we all make mistakes

  3. Love it! I laugh at myself all the time.

  4. Those are just glorious!

  5. It was all awesome to me ! what Bloopers LOL It’s beautiful ! But ya even with my kind of flags things get outahand Hahaha I’m a gonna have to order swing flags too , but that’ll have to wait . Waiting for my Quill wing flags can’t wait 😀 But, looks like I’ll have too , love your work so beautiful <3

  6. awe ok now I saw it, but I do that with my flags too LOL I laugh all the time , the joy that comes with flagging worship . I just love it 😀

  7. LOL….I’ve done the SAME thing! 🙂


  9. Your worship is beautiful–bloopers and all! 🙂

  10. Oh I loovveee these colors!! Worship should always be lovely and beautiful and yes sometimes even God enjoys bloopers lol! These flags are just gorgeous!!

  11. awesome even with the blooper! Love the colors of the flags!

  12. Gorgeous.

  13. never did see the blooper, just beautiful worship.

  14. I think we all do that from time to time.
    I absolutely love the colours in that set BTW.

  15. Love it! Swing flags are SO beatiful to watch…I haven’t been able to begin to worship with them. I can barely get them moving without hitting myself! lol

  16. beautiful megahn and didn’t raely even notest lol 🙂 just love. love an shalom

  17. I’ve hit myself in the eye SOOO many times!!!!!

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