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My 10 yr old Friend with my XLRH

Alayna-WavesOfIncreaseThis is the same pair of special order quills called Waves of Increase as were in the previous post, but this time it’s my 10 yr old friend (who you’ve seen before) using them at church – she’s so anointed and beautiful to watch! Enjoy 🙂

View special order / quills

7 thoughts on “My 10 yr old Friend with my XLRH

  1. I just finished reading a denial letter from a literary agency regarding my manuscript and then went directly to your blog and SAW THIS! I felt as if the quills were creating actual waves that were beckoning me to come and jump in!

    Thank you Yeshua as YOU are my increase. You are the MORE. You are the WAYMAKER. I set my HOPE on you!

    The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely, I have a beautiful inheritance.

  2. Oh yes so beautiful like an ocean of waves <3

  3. That was beautiful!!! What an anointing she has! 🙂

  4. Such a blessing. This young lady has quite a call upon her life and a powerful anointing. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  5. wow, what an incredible ease and authority she has with these flags.

  6. Beautiful, simple and anointed!!

  7. Awesome! She moves really well with such big flags!

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