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YHVH Nissi LR Streamer Veil

LRstreamerveil-YHVHNissiIn honor of our new product, here we have LR (large round) streamer veils called YHVH Nissi (the Lord my Banner) – both in a single and in a pair. These look so beautiful in motion – and as you can see, even if the length gets caught on your arm while you adjust to working with its length – it is easy enough to get off again gracefully!

The music is from IHOP-KC

View streamer veils

8 thoughts on “YHVH Nissi LR Streamer Veil

  1. Oooohhhhhh soooooo pretty! I LOVE them… the colors are breathtaking, and your worship so beautiful!!!! I can’t wait until Father releases me to buy something new… it may be one of these! Hahahaha…love it!

  2. my GOODNESS I love these so much! Well done, Larisa! I’d imagine that Sketch will be hanging out with you in short order ;o)

  3. Lovely tool of worship and a beautiful silk too!

  4. Magnificence is the word I heard while I watched the video’s….

  5. I so enjoyed watching you leaping with the streamer towards the end of the second video! 🙂

  6. beautiful

  7. Raising money to buy these!!

  8. nice loveum 🙂

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