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2 yr old with Amazed Streamer

Tinsley-amazedToo precious for words! I wish I’d caught more of this sweetie-pie with this 3 yd streamer called Amazed (see the demo here). She was at it for a while before I thought to snag some video – she gets a little distracted partway through by the handle on the rod, but it is all so precious!

This was recorded live at Passion for Truth Fellowship.

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6 thoughts on “2 yr old with Amazed Streamer

  1. So cute! Awesome to see little ones worshipping!

  2. How precious! She handled it very well I thought. 🙂

  3. That’s my niece! 😀 She was actually doing a pretty good job, huh? Of course, 2 year olds DO get pretty easily distracted by things like…you know…handles…and stuff…but anyway, for as long as she was interested in actually waving the streamer, she did pretty well with it 😉 Thanks for sharing, Meghan!

  4. That was too cute… Such a precious little worshipper.

  5. oooo so CUTE love an shalom littel one:)

  6. Very cute! The 8×54 becomes the perfect length streamer for little ones that size to use. They so love worship tools!

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