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River of Heaven Swing Flags

RiverofLife-swingflagsHere you can see Meghan worshiping with a pair of regular size swing flags. Most likely you have seen this style as a streamer during our church worship. I have seen it in quills as well as a pair of voi but for some reason these flags look the most stunning the way she uses them 🙂

View Swing Flags

9 thoughts on “River of Heaven Swing Flags

  1. Love the sounds and the snap of the flags! So beautiful!

  2. Love the colors of the flags! Awesome video:)

  3. Wow! These are amazing! So wonderful to watch 🙂

  4. Those are beautiful!

  5. Glorious, just beautiful.

  6. These are cool they sound like a mighty rushing river. :-).

  7. OH!!!! That blue is sooooooooo pretty!

  8. love love beautiful maghen :)love an shalom

  9. I love the shades of blue… so healing!

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