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We Will Overcome L Streamer Veil

OvercomeA beautiful large streamer veil called We Will Overcome. You’ve seen this silk before in the Releasing All flag ministry video I posted almost a month ago. The streamer veils are light and move so beautifully!  They’re also great because they can be removed from the streamer rod and worn or danced with as a silk too 🙂

The music is live worship from Bethel

View streamer veil

20 thoughts on “We Will Overcome L Streamer Veil

  1. very nice just love so beautiful love an shalom 🙂

  2. Gorgeous! I love the colors and how floaty it is 🙂 My 4 year old was watching as well and couldn’t take her eyes off the screen 🙂

  3. I LOVE IT!!!! I always forget the streamer veil is an option…. Doh! And I really really love the central focal point on the veil!

  4. Can the streamer veils be different sizes? I would love one in a smaller size. 🙂

  5. There is something special watching the video, imagine being present, got to be powerful!

  6. Wow !!! So beautiful!!!

  7. Can’t say how much I LOVE streamer veils! Love this style too 😉

  8. Once again you made me wish I had a giant living room like yours.Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors livingroom is in my head,lol.What a blessing to be able to praise with those larger banners and streamers at home.This one is just wonderful.Those colors just tell a story to me.I love it!

  9. love it beautiful 🙂

  10. Just added streamer veils to my most wanted list. I love the way it flows.

  11. Oooooo…….’my hands are itchy and my spirit is yearning, anticipation!

  12. ahhhh…so beautiful and peaceful. Love the name of the silk….oh, but then, I love them all!!! 😀

  13. i always love to watch you worshiping. it’s always blessing and you are more than overcomer through Yeshua who loves you! Hallelujah!!!!

  14. Thank you, Megan! This was great, I love how that streamer veil moves.

  15. Megan, either you were made for flags or they were made for you

  16. Beautiful! Wow! Give me chills to see you worship! Hallelujah!!!!

  17. I agree with AJ. Streamers aren’t my favorite worship tool, but the streamer veil is a different thing. It moves beautifully. It kinda envelopes you. One of my fav styles.

  18. I love this beauty of a creation!!! Wow!

  19. Beautiful, love the way it moves …

  20. Whohoo! Was so blessed by this. 🙂

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