Let me start by apologizing because yesterday I realized that it has been over six months since I’ve posted a scarf story. That’s embarrassing because it is not like I don’t have any to share, I hadn’t had time to do it and now that I have time I have so many to dig through – it’s a tad overwhelming. Among the scarf stories I have to share are several from me, which again is embarrassing because sharing my own stories isn’t that difficult – so again, my apologies!
With that said let me share my most recent “scarf story”, which isn’t about a scarf at all it is about a pair of M quill flags called Covered by Blessing (which you’ve seen before as swing flags).
Let me start with a little FYI about me. Since I LOVE Dyed4you silk, a long time ago I prayed for a method for deciding if a silk was mine or not because if I went on sheer preference nothing would ever get sent out! Father has since blessed me with a “knowing” – so the minute I put a silk in my hands I know if it is mine or not.
Recently, a package arrived from our friend Nickol at Prophetic Worship Banners with some of our silks she had finished quilling, and Larisa and I went through them together. Some of the silks in the package I had dyed, but this pair I did not dye, Larisa did, so I didn’t recognize which style they were, but the moment I touched these flags – I knew they were supposed to be mine; however, I didn’t want to just snag these quills Larisa had made! As we talked about them, she also felt they were for me (yay!). So she went back and figured out which ones they were and told me the name so I could look up the word – boy was I blessed!
One of the scriptures was specific confirmation for me, and two others spoke to a specific top I’ve been talking about with the Father. The declarative prayer in the word (which ironically I had helped write last spring when the word was first birthed) moved me to tears it resonated so deeply.
This fall we discovered the Father had performed a miracle in my husband – a natural vasectomy reversal after 12 years (which statistically is a near impossibility). We found out when I turned up pregnant. It’s not that I’ve longed for children, but I’ve been open to whatever the Father has planned for us so I embraced this exciting gift.
The timing and events surrounding it were something only God could have orchestrated. Some of you long-timers in the Dyed4you Community may even remember me mentioning in 2011 (when I shared the prophetic painting I’d been blessed with) that I’d had multiply words about having a baby. Because of all of these things, it never even occurred to me I might lose the baby, but I did (thus the birthing of the Releasing All Dyed4you Art piece).
This has been a difficult season for me and there’s more details that I haven’t even gone into, but I say all that to say that the reminder that I am covered by His blessing, that His hand is on me, and that “There is a sense of promise, protection and covering…” over me. Again it moved me more than words could say.
I can’t tell you how amazing it feels to get to be ministered to by the ministry I have the honor of helping steward. Truly this is a beautiful work the Father is doing through the amazing team of ladies I have been blessed to work with who pray over all the silks and the Dyed4you community and who birth the amazing words that bless so many. Truly I am feeling covered by blessing – to God be all the glory!
View quills
Meghan… What an incredibly beautiful story. Thank you for sharing from your heart. It was a blessing to just read this and a reminder of how incredibly faithful Father is to each one of us. Sigh… ❤️
His timing is amazing. He planned out all the pieces and stages and timing so He could touch bless and minister you when you opened the package months later. I love that Papa loves to take care of His faithful daughter. You are a blessing to so many! Your worship video brought tears to my eyes this morning. Many continued blessings!
love maghen we are bless to have u an your anonting so beautiful love an shalom:) an are father abba richly bless you
What an anointed blessing you share from your heart and your brokenness….it’s His hand that truly heals isn’t it? Bless you Meghan, Yah bless you richly.
Thank you Meghan for sharing such a personal testimony. Abba is so good! May He continue to bless you in the spiritual and the physical.
Blessings to the entire team. May they continue to hear clearly from Abba.
Love you!
Oh so beautiful. Your testimony brought me to tears. He is such a good Father….He covers us and surrounds us and brings us through the hard times. May He continue to draw you ever deeper into His heart.
Loved hearing from your heart Meghan! Even so Father pour out more blessings on her, more and more!
We Love you Meghan! – You are truly covered by HIs Blessings!
So tender and so beautiful! :*) He is faithful and He will do this things that He has said. Prayers for you and your heart. Much love to you, my dear. I am holding on to that which I believe to have heard and praying it over you.
Wow, this video is very moving. You are amazing Meghan. You are such an amazing blessing to me personally and countless others. I am so glad that the Father chose to give you such a personal blessing. Praying for you always!