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Breakthrough in Worship (Scarfless Scarf Story)

20140328-034510.jpgIt always blesses me to hear of the times people are blessed simply by online contact with our ministry. Yes, we sell product, but more importantly our desire is to help people breakthrough in new levels of intimacy with the Lord whether that be in worship, prayer, etc. Though I know it happens, it grieves me to hear when the church is responsible for shutting people down.

I had one woman who was released into worship simply by watching videos of me – apparently she’d been told she was too heavy to do expressive worship. As if Father God wouldn’t be interested in seeing her pour herself out before Him because she didn’t happen to be thin. Completely wounding, but Father finds ways to bring healing and breakthrough, and we are honored to sometimes get to be used a vessels of that healing and breakthrough.

This scarfless scarf story is from a young man who is in the process of that breakthrough. Since we know many of you can understand what he’s been through, I knew you’d be blessed to hear his story. Let’s cover him in prayer as Father continues releasing this worshiper and lets also pray for all those like him who need the freedom to dance like David danced 🙂

I felt like I should share with you the impact your ministry has had on my life without me ever having purchased a silk from y’all.

I have been a closeted worship dancer for a few years for now. I experimented in my teens with a strange blend of sign-language and awkward dancing that I called “miming”, but I gave it up after a few years when I realized that I really don’t know how to dance. Another part of it was the stigma against guy dancers. And it didn’t help that I’m a part of a denomination which generally frowns on expressive worship outside of special performances and the like.

Over the past year or so, my interest in worshiping through the dance would peak only to be squashed by my lack of any real dancing skills and lack of time/money/commitment to remedy that lack.

A few days ago, quite unintentionally I stumbled across one of your youtube videos in which Meghan was giving tips on dancing with swing flags. I thought the whole idea intriguing, but what gripped me even more was one of the video suggestions on the side of another of your customers AJ using your “His Heart In Battle” swing flags. Seeing another young man shamelessly praising God with dance moves that were neither intimidating nor overly complex stirred something in me. In fact it was this that led me to visit your website for the first time and find out what y’all are all about.

At the time, I was intrigued but decided that the Father wasn’t really calling me to act on it by ordering from y’all. I figured that was the end of it. But for the past two days since, I couldn’t get y’all out of my head. It’s to the point where I hear worship songs and immediately imagine flag-dancing to them.

So I started looking at more of your videos, and was just overall entertained by Meghan’s energy and contagious smile. But then I found your video telling the ministry’s history, and when she talked about her own shyness in the beginning and dancing in her living room where no one else could see, it reminded me of the handful of times in the past months where I would hear a worship song, feel the urge to dance to it in my room, and then stop barely after starting because of my self-consciousness about my lack of dance ability.

All that long story just goes to say that without ever having made a silk for me, your ministry has through your youtube videos and the flags you’ve made for others (AJ) has inspired and encouraged me in ways that words can’t fully express.

I’m still asking the Father what exactly He’s trying to tell me through all this and whether or not I should order a flag from y’all and if so what. But I just wanted you to know that even if I never order anything from you. Your story, your ministry, and Meghan’s love for the Lord have been a true blessing to my life.

May He bless you in all you do!

6 thoughts on “Breakthrough in Worship (Scarfless Scarf Story)

  1. What an amazing story. I can totally relate. I have only worshiped with my flags privately… so privately that my two year old son is the only one who has even experienced it in my home. Today, when I was completely engrossed in worship, my fifteen year old son walked in on me. He sat there quietly (for who knows how long) until I noticed him. I frequently worship with my eyes closed. Of course, I was startled. He just smiled at me with a sheepish smile… thankfully, he didn’t laugh. I am hoping to gain the confidence to worship in front of others. I hope it will encourage and bless them, just as this letter has encouraged and blessed me. Thank you for sharing it.

  2. this is awesome testimony. even Shuree, too. i can relate with them and thankful to you Meghan who are helping us to be free, free to do what our Father God put on our hearts.
    i’m still owe you my testimony but it will come 😀

    thank you for sharing this testimony and keeping in prayer you Meghan and all involve and touch by this ministries Father put in your hand.

    also, as i see this testimony – for me it is showing that you are faithful in small and you are going to receive much and many more because of your faithfulness.

    Hallelujah!!!!!! go girl, go! every tear and every smile – everything is worthy!!!! so, let’s advance KIngdom of the Lord!

  3. How awesome! What a fabulous testimony. May Abba continue to bless this young man and bring out David’s heart in him.

    May the ministry of D4Y and Meghan herself continue to bless others in the internet and physical community.

  4. That is so awesome!!!! Yay Jesus! I definitely know how he feels- I danced privately for a long time before I ever felt ok dancing in front of people. Don’t know of you’ll ever see this bro, but keep dancing!! If people don’t like what your doin, gently remind them it’s not for them, it for the Father and He LOVES IT! I’m currently in school and I’ve seen guy after guy begin to dance this year- God’s doing something with men right now. He’s releasing warriors who are unafraid! There’s an old Scottish proverb I love- ‘Never give a sword to a man who can’t dance.’ To move with strength and grace is in no way feminine, it’s powerful! (And flipping difficult lol)

    Jesus, I thank you for what you are doing right now, for the revolution of dance that is sweeping the Body of Christ. God, I ask that you would release freedom to express ourselves to You and for You! God thank You that you are raising a generation of worshippers unbound by fear and limitations, who will in turn release others from the bondage of fear to freely worship you! To You be all glory and honor and praise!!! In Your glorious name King Jesus- Amen!

  5. Yeah!!!! That was one of the first D4Y videos I had seen too! I love how God just rips down all of the barriers we put on ourselves or that other people put on us just like that! Aj, man you are more of a blessing than you realize and I hope to see some videos of this guy with his own set of flags!!!


  6. This subject is so important. People need to be set free from the fear of rejection and others’ opinions about how “good” or “bad” someones’ expression of worship is. It’s all beautiful in God’s eyes. And I feel that men not only have a right to worship and dance for The Lord, they are truly needed and called to do so! It would be nice to see men and women together dancing and full of joy for our Lord, getting into The Holy Spirit and being one with Him. How beautiful and how wonderful! May our God truly set us ALL free in our worship together and may we learn to honor and respect each other and our different ways that we do so. Amen & Amen!

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