It has been long overdue for a blog and there couldn’t be a better way to start of the new year then with a beautiful testimony by one of my very favorite people!!!! She has received a Talitt in the style Shroud. I love how Abba speaks to us in every circumstance… Enjoy it as she shares 🙂
I have been meaning to write and thank you for the lovely scarf (Tallitt) and prophetic word that I received with it. It has taken me forever it seems to sit down and write my thank you to your team, but The Lord’s timing is always perfect. When I first read the word that came with my scarf I was a bit puzzled over part of it. I understood being hidden beneath His wings (part of my inheritance verses from Psalms 91), but parts of it didn’t quite connect with me immediately.
I received the scarf right before I step into a whirlwind of activity and things have not yet slowed down. I also stepped into a time of what is known in my circle as “hiddenness” although I did not immediately recognize it. It is a time of being taken into a place of deeper truth and a deeper spiritual walk with The Lord. It is also a time of quietness on His part where I am walking out in faith, the words that He has given me, and of being pulled close to Him while I am also being shrouded, almost invisible if you will, to others.
I had an opportunity to sit back and reread your beautiful prophetic word last night, and the timing was perfect for where I am now. It was perfect when the scarf arrived as well, I just didn’t recognize it at the time.
It is a thing of beauty, highly personal, and for me represents being hidden away, by the One who longs for, no let me rephrase that: the One who covets time with me.
Thank you for another work of art, that I will treasure and for those words that came straight from my Fathers heart, through yours to mine.
Aw, I have missed these scarf stories!
Love it! Thanks for sharing, I agree that this is a great way to start off the new year 🙂
I continue to wear the prayer cloth around my head on the nights the Lord instructs me too. It is so anointed and I receive so much clarity in my dreams and just wanted to drop a line or two telling you …Your ministry is truly pleasing to our Father as your Sacred service is rendered through these garments…our lives will never be the same. Peace is with you.