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Beautiful Testimony – Passion Fire Flags

I’ve been meaning to share this beautiful testimony some time ago but then again there are so many that we have … This one is about a beautiful pair of Regular swing flags called Passion Fire. So often it happens that people receive their silk or quill flags or streamer and at first it doesn’t make sense until Abba is starting to reveal himself in His splendor 🙂


Dear Larisa,


I’ve been meaning to write for some a time..

October last year I ordered you a pair of Swing Flags.. had been thinking about it for 2 years  🙂

And now, I want more lol!


When I received them, for some reason I didn’t try them right away.. little space home.. not the right weather to do it outside, especially being a beginner.. all wrong excuses 😉

And one day I just felt the urge to try them .. I made room, pushing some furniture out of the way, put some worship music, and started to move my flags.. and what a surprise! I felt so good, like an explosion of freedom, like flagging had always been in me without me knowing it! I was so excited!

I must admit that when I received these flags, I was a little surprised, not to say disappointed.. I really imagined there would at least be some blue in them.. but no, all reds and yellow! Everybody around me would tell you I’m all about blue, turquoise, teal.. it has become my main color since 2-3 years, with reds showing up like a year or so ago! Also, the letter going with it wasn’t that clear to me.. But, knowing it was my Daddy’s choice and gift, I welcomed it and thanked Him for it .. “He knows better”..

Thinking aout it now, could’ve been another reason why I wasn’t that excited to begin to use my flags…

Anyway, after that first try, I pulled out my letter to read it again.. and it suddenly made sense! That new thing that had been awaken inside me connected with the words and scriptures, and brought back to remembrance other words I’d received, prayers I made.. and it felt good!

My flag’s called Passion Fire (praise, cleansing justification, Holy Spirit fire, passion).. I had been praying  to receive the baptism of fire! I was also asking Daddy-God to grow my passion for Him.

And the scriptures too suddenly made more sense to me.. He had told me some time ago He was taking care of my children and was honoring me through them. You gave me Nb 25:11-13.. zeal for God, peace convenant, descendants cared for.. Just like “being a forerunner” as you said, was confirmed to me a little later too..

So the whole meaning of that flag is quite in tune with what I’m living in my relationship with God.

You and your team heard very well.. thank you!!


I want to thank you for the beautiful job you’re doing. I’ve been watching nearly all your videos  :))  and I think now I understand better the different kinds of flags you propose .. and I got my wish list ready lol!

View Swing Flags

1 thought on “Beautiful Testimony – Passion Fire Flags

  1. What a wonderful testimony!!! I love that Daddy God Loves us so much He gives us what we need when we need it!!! Thanks for sharing!

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