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Basics of Using a Wing

The video below gives some basics on how to work with a Dyed4you wing – just some simple moves that create a beautiful effect!  Here I’m using a custom-sized 5mm china silk wing, which uses a 36″ dowel (which can be ordered by getting a semicircle of either weight and adding an altered wing seam).

In this video I mention showing you a heavier weight wing – that can be found here 🙂

Thanks to my dear hubby Allen for filming 🙂

One other helpful link: 411 on Wings

View Semicircle / Sewing Services on Dyed4you

5 thoughts on “Basics of Using a Wing

  1. Thanks for posting all the How-to videos for us beginners. I just tried worshipping with a scarf yesterday and it was a lot harder than it looked. But after these videos I think I will try again and it will be much easier. Thank you.

  2. love it…love it… love it.. We have Flags at church and i love to use them over my head, it is awesome!!! I am going to speak to my hubby, my birthday is coming up in September. I love this smaller wing. God bless you Meghan

  3. I appreciate the instruction videos and look forward to seeing more with the scarves.

  4. […] you haven’t watched my Wing Basics video – I suggest starting […]

  5. Are you able to bump this post up with the wing video & 411 you just posted? This is a really good How-To!

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