As we shared with quill breakage, what happens in the natural is representative of what happens in the spiritual realm. So if you have a bendie break or a cap come off your spinner rod, no worries it can be taken care of! But also know something is shifting in the heavenlies – so let’s pause to rejoice and come into agreement with that too 🙂
Our bendies are relatively sturdy, but every once and awhile something happens and one may break. If that happens, just contact us and we can do a fix for you. The cost is $10 plus shipping.
With a capped rod from your spinner, if by chance the cap comes off you’re welcome to try re-gluing it, but if that doesn’t work for you, you can purchase a replacement rod for $12 (or a pair for $20).
If you have questions, just let us know! We hope you won’t be too discouraged by the set back of having to get the rod replaced, please know we make every effort to bring you the absolute best products we can. We hope they bless you!