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Blind Faith

After purchasing numerous scarves as gifts for others, Dr. Mel was blessed with a scarf of her own 🙂

Her scarf was a tangible representation of something God had shown her – what a beautiful confirmation!

View the 35×84 scarf on Dyed4you

4 thoughts on “Blind Faith

  1. The coloring in this is so powerful and wonderful. It reminds me of looking up at the sky at night and seeing the beauty of the stars and heavenlies…the colors you see in pictures of the universe. Makes me wonder what it was like that night when Abraham looked up at the sky and God gave him the Promise.

  2. I just love the way all the colours just blend in…sigh…wish i could have a wall covered with all your scarves Meghan! i can just stare at them all day long! u’re so gifted! i know i’ve said it already but i love to keep saying it! 🙂

  3. Oh hey!!! It’s a pic of Dr. Mel!! So glad I found this blog entry again 🙂 Beautiful lady and what a blessing to see her comments on here now! Still love her scarf.

    **sidenote….I have a real fascination with Abraham & the night sky when the Lord spoke to him of the Promise, lol. I’m realizing I’m writing bout it in just about everything now **

  4. @Amanda E: So true! I will think of Abraham and the LORD’s Promise when I dance and worship with the scarf. This scarf was given to me by my dear sister in Christ, who is believing and trusting the LORD for a baby. May His word come soon and not delay. Over 7 years in the making of the miraculous. God is so good. I am excited to post praise reports of children being born and brought home over the next year. Beloved Amanda, I will also be praying over yours, too, prayer warrior mama. Amen.

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