This is a video demo of a 35×84 scarf with a wing seam added. Works great as a wing but is still light enough to dance with and wear 🙂
View 35×84 / sewing services on Dyed4you
This is a video demo of a 35×84 scarf with a wing seam added. Works great as a wing but is still light enough to dance with and wear 🙂
View 35×84 / sewing services on Dyed4you
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Thanks for sharing! It’s always nice to see the many ways you can use the different pieces.
Finally get to “hear” you! Lovely demonstration and really cool idea! Bless ya!
Thanks for the video Meghan!
**sidenote: How in the world do you keep your carpets that clean?! They look snow white!
On the carpets: remember I have no children in the house 🙂 I also have a hubby who is meticulous about such things 🙂
You said you couldn’t/didn’t whip the wings around as hard as me, LOL. I beg to differ! Look at you go girl! You’ve totally got the moves!! By the way, I love going back and rereading or watching the blogs 🙂
This may be a silly question but can I know if its its 35×84 inches? of if you are using another unit. Thank You
Not a silly question! Yes, inches 🙂