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Basic Moves for Dancing with Scarves

Per request, this is a 5-part series on the basics of dancing with scarves.  Each clip compares 2 scarves for a total of 10 scarves in 4 different fabrics (5mm and 8mm China Silk, Crepe, and Chiffon) and 9 different sizes (21×21, 11×60, 11×60 fringed, 44″ triangle fringed, 22×72, 22×90, 35×84, 55×108, and the 45×108 semicircle).

I hope you find it helpful! Let me know what else you’d like to see or what you want to see more of 🙂

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13 thoughts on “Basic Moves for Dancing with Scarves

  1. These are great Meghan! I definately got some new ideas! I wouldn’t have really thought that some of the smaller sizes would work except for wearing and they really would be perfect in some tighter space settings. I also love the semi circle and find it is just as useful without the dowel in it. In fact, I think I may even like it better.

  2. Wow. When you have a request you really go all out! These were fantastic! To see all the different sizes and weights was very helpful as well as the basic moves. Especially since I haven’t seen scarves used in worship before in person but want a way to enhance my own worship. These were extremely helpful and I so appreciate how much work you put into them. You are a woman of excellence. I appreciate you.

  3. Oh Meghan! The last piece you showed was my favorite by far! There was something about the colors that quickened my spirit. And the movements that it makes is absolutely gorgeous! Thank you for taking the time to share with all of us! I agree with Donelda Lea. You are a woman of excellence.


  4. Hi, Meghan! I love that any of us can do these basic moves. We don’t have to be skilled praise dancers or have a dance background (good thing!) — all we need is a heart to praise and worship the Lord.

    What a creative use of scarves as decoration in your home, too!!! GREAT IDEA! I can see this as a new trend in interior decoration — like a collection of lovely crosses some have on their walls, or prophetic artwork like the amazing works you have at — these scarves in our livingroom, bedroom, children’s room or prayer closet can be a constant reminder of the presence of the Holy Spirit and prompt us to rest in Him — and worship the Lord.

    In Him we really do live and we really do move and we really do have our being!!! Thank you for being such a wonderful servant of the Lord and reminding us of the beauty of holiness. Our worship is a sweet fragrance to our Beloved Jesus.

  5. I love the 22 X 72 8mw silk scarf it’s so beautiful and flows so freely.

  6. Hmm I think my favorites from the video series you demo are the scarves in the 5mw silk. I like the way both sizes look in the air so the 35 X 84 would be a great scarf and with a little more arm work the 55 X 108 looks lovely as well.

  7. Rounded semi circles. I love the way this one looks. The roundness softens the look so much. This scarf looks so flowing and free. It reminds me of rippling waters which reminds me of the 23 Psalm. Beautiful and absolutely stunning. My favorite. Now I just pray that the Lord gives me one.

  8. Meghan I love your video demos. Your joy and laughter are so contagious. Not to mention the beautiful fabric!!!!! You are such a blessing.

  9. Wow!!! I have the semi-circle scarf. I have used it 5 times now for worship at a worship conference and at church. Each time the presence of the Lord comes over me in almost waves of an anointing oil. So rich, so sweet and so loving. I feel completely saturated by His love. I enter into worship so easily. I know this is only a scarf but it is a beautiful and anointed scarf!!!

  10. Very beautiful! I use my big one with one arm still and the other one moving in and out, too. Sometimes I will wrap it around me and do just want you showed. I never iron my scarf’s, I carry them with me all the time, never know when I will need one. I do wrap them up and place them back in the little holder that they came with. I am really looking forward to my new wing that will be coming. Bless you Meghan!

  11. very informative! Thanks for sharing!

  12. Thank you so much! Perfect moves for Easter!

  13. Thank you for helping me love my scarves

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