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This was a wedding present I made for a friend of mine – her favorite color is purple 🙂

The chemise (shown in the picture) is one of the items you can special order – they’re a little tricky though because they run on the small side, but they look and feel beautiful!

View special orders on Dyed4 you

7 thoughts on “Chemise

  1. Wow! So awesome! You must quit this…my wish list is way backed up!

  2. Incredible…now I want one :o)! Love the colors and design! Beautiful, what more can I say! Besides LOVE IT!

  3. Too funny what Julie said. I am so excited for all the lives that will continue to be impacted through this ministry. May God continue to increase you and all your ideas

  4. Stunning!!! Thank you for posting the pic:) Yes, I like Julie, have yet another item to an ever expanding dyed4you wish list! Bless you, sister. May the Lord continually smile upon you through each creation.

  5. What a beauty! Ahhh and the wish list gets longer 🙂

  6. I likie! 🙂

  7. How beautiful, now I see one more thing that I would like to have.

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