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Spiritual Delivery

A couple Dyed4you silks being used in a gathering – a 14×72 scarf with a streamer seam added and on the floor is a special order 35×108 in the 5mm china silk. You have to love these deep moments… and if you’ve never had a face-on-the-floor moment, please don’t be freaked out… it’s just a precious, holy moment.

Here’s a little more on what was happening here – this is an intercessory prayer group that meets weekly:

There was FIRE as she was going forth with my streamer!! We could feel the fire in the atmosphere!! There was “deliverance” and “delivery” taking place for the woman being ministered to. She had received a word from the Lord of multiple (3) spiritual babies about to be born!! We “mid-wifed” (is that a word?) and delivered her in intercession, part of which came forth through the streamer ministry. God said, “cover her” and I reached for my “Warring for the Promises” scarf, which is extra long, and covered her from head to toe! Then when she arose, she began to prophecy in tongues and then interpreted a powerful word from the Lord for the woman with the streamer!! It was an awesome day!

View 14×72, sewing services or special orders on Dyed4you

9 thoughts on “Spiritual Delivery

  1. Wow! We all need more of those times! What a blessing.

  2. I am with Donelda, we all need more of these times and I know that God is waiting for us to have these times with him. He wants up to draw closer to him and just listen and let him love on us. Amazing!!!

  3. My spirit was moved when I began to read this. God yearns for more and more of these times with all of us. Wow-there is so much to encounter with the Lord-we have yet to scratch the surface.

  4. In total agreeance with all 3 of the above comments!! This is a phenomenal testimony & move of God! LOVE it! Just leaves me speechless! It really stirs up my spirit in me!

  5. Awesome moments when we are on the floor. The glory of the Lord becomes so thick you can almost reach out and touch it. I love the colors especially the yellow/reddish one. It looks like fire/glory all mixed into one. I know I feel the presence of the Lord in a different way each time I put my scarf on!!!

  6. Wow! I have not had a face on the floor moment as yet but that looks so intense!

    But I didn’t understand what she meant by “multiple (3) spiritual babies about to be born!!”?

  7. Best way I can think to explain i is that it’s an intercession expression for when you’re contending for breakthrough in an area you sense the Lord giving you authority in. In this case there were 3 specific “spiritual babies” being “born”. Some of this goes back to heavy intercession being likened to “travailing” which is often equated to child birth 🙂 Hope that helps!

  8. Powerful testimony! I love how the LORD works in tandem!!!!

  9. Glory!!!

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