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Allissa Ministering with YHVH Rohi (the Lord my Shepherd)

Allissa-Rohi-PFTThis was a beautiful moment of worship during the Yom Kippur (Feast of Atonement) services – so much healing happening!  Allissa is ministering with a pair of XL quill flags called YHVH Rohi (the Lord my Shepherd), which you’ve seen before in M quills as a demo, in XL quills, in a dowel wing by both Tami and Amanda, as a silk, as a streamer, and one with a face in it… it is a fav! Continue reading Allissa Ministering with YHVH Rohi (the Lord my Shepherd)

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Already Paid L Quills

iPhone 009These are some beautiful pictures of a pair of L quill flags called Already Paid (you saw the demo here and have also seen these in voi). You actually also got to see a brief clip of the recipient using them during a church service as well, and I got some stills of these flags before they were shipped for future Dyed4you Art 🙂 Continue reading Already Paid L Quills

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2 yr old with Amazed Streamer

Tinsley-amazedToo precious for words! I wish I’d caught more of this sweetie-pie with this 3 yd streamer called Amazed (see the demo here). She was at it for a while before I thought to snag some video – she gets a little distracted partway through by the handle on the rod, but it is all so precious! Continue reading 2 yr old with Amazed Streamer

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Paints, Quills, and More

Tawna-contestThis is another video that was entered in the MR Quill Giveaway. She actually demos not only a mismatched pair of Dyed4you M quill flags called Spirit & Truth (which you’ve seen before), but some swing flags made by our friend Caleb (she refers to them as throw flags), and a scarf made by Rachel (who I’m not familiar with). Continue reading Paints, Quills, and More

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Under His Loving Wings L Quills

UnderHisLovingWingsThese gorgeous silks were hand-painted by Margie Puckett of Unhindered and Unashamed.  You’ve heard me talk before about why it matters who makes your flags (and if you missed it I suggest giving it a peek!), let me tell you – Margie is the real deal! I actually got to meet her because, like Dyed4you, Unhindered and Unashamed works with our friend Nickol at Prophetic Worship Banners to have her silks quilled 🙂 Continue reading Under His Loving Wings L Quills

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MR Quill Giveaway Winner

TeresaPurdieWinnerCongratulations to Teresa Purdie our MR Quill Flag Giveaway! A big thank you to ALL of you who entered – excited to share more of the beautiful videos you guys submitted when you entered!!! Below you’ll find the video Teresa submitted that won – hopefully she’ll submit a video with her NEW quill flags ones she gets them 🙂 Continue reading MR Quill Giveaway Winner

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YHVH Nissi LR Streamer Veil

LRstreamerveil-YHVHNissiIn honor of our new product, here we have LR (large round) streamer veils called YHVH Nissi (the Lord my Banner) – both in a single and in a pair. These look so beautiful in motion – and as you can see, even if the length gets caught on your arm while you adjust to working with its length – it is easy enough to get off again gracefully! Continue reading YHVH Nissi LR Streamer Veil

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Introducing Streamer Veils

IntroStreamerVeilsThanks to the genius of our friends at Prophetic Worship Banners, we’re introducing a new product that we are completely in love with – Streamer Veils! These gorgeous worship tools come in three sizes: M, L, and LR (large round). They also can be used in pairs (though you have to be coordinated to use either the L or LR in pairs!). These are a new fav 🙂 Continue reading Introducing Streamer Veils