In March, I shared some fun pictures of a pair of Dyed4you regular swing flags called Faithful being used in an ice skating competition. I asked you to cover her in prayer over an upcoming competition and apparently the prayers worked because she took 1st place! We’ve got two videos of the same routine being done at two different times – love this! Continue reading Dyed4you Silk on Ice (Video)
Author: Dyed4you (Meghan)
All About Hearts
This is a pair of regular swing flags called Whole Heart (which you’ve seen before being worn by a bride). Below you’ll find 2 clips of the recipient with her flags (her first time using swing flags) as well as my demo video, but first hear how they blessed her!
Every Captive Free Swing Flags
This video compilation is from Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) last fall. You actually got to see a glimpse of these flags in action in the Sukkot Flag Class post. These are a pair of regular swing flags called Every Captive Free (which you’ve seen before as a streamer). This is actually the dad of our 2 yr old friend with the streamer 😉
Corporate Worship
A precious glimpse of corporate worship during a service at Passion for Truth. In the still I’ve captured you”ll see 4 different pairs of Dyed4you flags (2 M quills, S quills, and the mismatched swing flags that match yesterday’s post). In the video you’ll also see a pair of XL quills from Prophetic Worship Banners as well as some others.
Mismatched M Quills
A pair of mismatched M quills called Tearing Down Walls (the darker one) and Reconciliation (the lighter one). A beautiful and powerful pair of flags for intercession!
Wings at the Gas Station
2 yr old with Streamer
This post needs to have a serious cuteness warning on it – LOL! The first video below is Isaiah with his 2 yr birthday gift – a 2.5 yd streamer, the second video is him 6 months later at church wielding two 3 yd streamers together, and the final one is a demo video of me with his special order 2.5 yd streamer (which is called YHVH Rohi, the Lord my Shepherd). So precious!!! Continue reading 2 yr old with Streamer
Introducing LW & LWH Quills
You’ve seen some posts including videos of the LW & LWH quills – including ones comparing their size to the XL quills and the MW quills – but we are finally officially introducing them to our product line! These flags are glorious in motion – full and beautiful – I think you’ll enjoy 🙂 Continue reading Introducing LW & LWH Quills
Beaded Tallit
Just a quick demo on our Beaded Ladies Tallit – this one is called Joy Comes in the Morning. These are delicate and beautiful. Each one is unique with its handmade beaded tzitzits and Hebrew lettering to go with your silk letter.
A Child Enjoying LFH Quills
I know this isn’t the first time you’ve seen Righteous Warfare special order LFH quill flags being used by a child (you may remember these here), but it’s always so sweet to see the children worshiping unashamedly! Continue reading A Child Enjoying LFH Quills
God TV Scarf Sighting
A friend from my old church was on God TV with an amazing healing testimony – and she’s sporting her 30×30 Dyed4you silk called His Light. I know you’ll be blessed by her amazing story 🙂 Continue reading God TV Scarf Sighting
Quills, Streamers, Swing Flags, & Voi… Oh My!
This is a long but very deep time of worship with 4 different types of worship elements (XL quills, 4yd streamer, regular swing flags, and 35×84 voi). You’ve seen these styles (or ones like them) before in Mantle of Elijah, Righteous Warfare, Prophetic Glory and You are My Hallelujah. Continue reading Quills, Streamers, Swing Flags, & Voi… Oh My!
Holy Fire Swing Flags
In this video we have a pair of regular swing flags called Holy Fire and though you’ve seen Holy Fire before (like this video here), you haven’t seen a pair like this – and I really like how they came out. You guys really liked the picture I posted of them while they were dyeing when I posted it on our Facebook page too 🙂 Continue reading Holy Fire Swing Flags
Mantle of Elijah L Quills
This is a pair of L quill flags called Mantle of Elijah (one of the names that one of YOU all came up with when I asked on Facebook what you would name a Dyed4you silk). Father gave the colors to Nickol (our friend from Prophetic Worship Banners) and this is what He birthed! Continue reading Mantle of Elijah L Quills
Faithful in Cambodia
Oh how I love seeing Dyed4you silk on the missions field!!! You’ve seen this pair of rainbow swing flags before (see the post here), they’re called Faithful. You will also see a BUNCH of synthetic swing flags Andrea (whose flag ministry I’ve mentioned before) made to bring along with her on this trip (which I believe she intends to bless the people with). Continue reading Faithful in Cambodia
Beckoned LWH
You got to see this quill wing briefly in the LWH / XLW comparison we posted a couple weeks ago, but here you get to see it in action. We actually got to hear from the woman who received this (she got it as a gift for her church – as well as receiving a little extra thank you silk from Abba) – here’s her quick testimonial: Continue reading Beckoned LWH
Bondage Breaker
My 10 year old friend who you’ve seen before (see her with 2XLR quills) with a pair of M quill flags called Bondage Breaker. These are powerful! Also see a pair of them in L below with our friend Nickol from Prophetic Worship Banners 🙂 Continue reading Bondage Breaker
Regifted Blessing
You may remember the pair of swing flags that Caleb gifted me last spring, well Father had me regift them (He does this to me ALL the time with my flags!) and so I couldn’t resist sharing the beautiful worship the recipient shared with me 🙂 Continue reading Regifted Blessing
Dancing at the King’s Feet
You all may remember the last time we were blessed to see this silk recipient dance (if you missed it, you can see it here) – so lovely to watch! I love how each of us is anointed to worship in a unique way. This time she is ministering with a 35×84 silk named Sealed (which is the same style – though in a different pattern – as the one used in Swept Away), but first here’s her testimony: Continue reading Dancing at the King’s Feet
Flames in Worship
A sweet snippet of video of these stunning special order LFH (large flame-edge in the heavier 8mm weight silk) quill flags. So cool to see the texture in the movement of the flame edges – love the look! Continue reading Flames in Worship