Excited to officially introduce a new quill product, the MWH (medium wing heavy), which just means it’s the 8mm weight rather than the “normal” (for quills) 5mm weight. I LOVE these quills! I know I’ve done sneak peeks on the soon to be officially announced LWH, but this slightly smaller size (view size comparison between the large and medium here) is so easy to use 🙂 Continue reading Introducing the MWH
Author: Dyed4you (Meghan)
Waves of Increase XLRH quills
A special order pair of quills called Waves of Increase. These are kind of an XLRH (XL round heavy – 8mm weight), except I serged these myself instead of simply using an 8mm semicircle like I normally do (which is why these are a little bigger). I confess I am in love with these! Continue reading Waves of Increase XLRH quills
How-to Choose between LWH & XLW
I know I have yet to officially announce the LW/LWH quills, but you’ve seen them a couple times before (in a demo comparing the LW and MW quill size and as a centerpiece in a worship presentation). Despite not being officially announced yet, they are available on our quill page so I thought a comparison between the large and XL size wings would be helpful. Continue reading How-to Choose between LWH & XLW
Mom and her Kids with a pair of MW quills
Here we have a pair of MW quills called Revelation from the Throne (see the demo of these). Beautiful worship from mom (who is the recipient of these quills) as well as some video of her kids enjoying them 🙂 Continue reading Mom and her Kids with a pair of MW quills
Promises of God 3yd Streamer
A 3yd streamer called Promises of God – you’ve seen this style in a different pattern on a pair of swing flags too. I just LOVE the way streamers move and the designs they make when they’re in motion 🙂 Continue reading Promises of God 3yd Streamer
Happy Man Dance
We got to hear this man’s testimony a little over a year ago along with a demo video of these Passion Fire swing flags (read the story and see the demo). Today we get to enjoy a quick video of him during a recent worship moment and oh what JOY to see! The video is titled the Happy Man Dance – you will see why – LOL 🙂 Continue reading Happy Man Dance
Introducing Large & Light Swing Flags
We’re officially launching a new product called the Large & Light Swing Flags! These are the same size as our large swing flags, but are made out of 5mm china silk instead of 8mm like the regular and large are. That means they are lightweight and floaty – a slow flag – great for intimate devotion time! Continue reading Introducing Large & Light Swing Flags
Introducing Banner Flags (officially)
You’ve seen plenty of our banner flags in the past, but we confused so many people by having them order a silk and adding a seam that we decided to give them their own page 😉
Passionate Pursuit Banner & Swing Flags
A bold, colorful style called Passionate Pursuit. Love these bursts of vibrant color! Here we have a regular banner flag and a pair of regular swing flags.
Courageous MW and Streamers
Love the vivid colors in the Courageous silks! Here you get to see the same Courageous style in a pair of MW quill wings and a pair of 3 yd streamers. The music is live from IHOP-KC. Enjoy!
Deep Worship 3yd Streamer
A 3 yd streamer in Deep Worship (a popular style), which you’ve seen many times before including my first in action photos from a customer, a scarf story, and a mis-matched dowel wing pair. I have always loved this style and as you’ll be able to tell from the video – I LOVE streamers! Continue reading Deep Worship 3yd Streamer
D4Y Silk on Ice
Loved getting to see this creative use of a pair of regular sized swing flags called Faithful (which you’ve seen before here) – in an ice skating competition! What a fun use of Dyed4you silk 🙂 Continue reading D4Y Silk on Ice
10 y-o and a pair of 2XLR
You’ve seen these beautiful special order 2XLR quills before (see the demo) and you’ve seen this young lady before as well (her beautiful mom is who is singing – you have seen her before too). Love how these quills move and love to see her beautiful heart in action 🙂 Continue reading 10 y-o and a pair of 2XLR
Righteous Warfare
Ready for a visual feast? How about the new Righteous Warfare style in a pair of regular and large swing flags, LFH (large flame-edged 8mm weight) quills (which are special order), a pair of 4yd streamers and a pair of 35×84 voi! Love this style in each of these worship tools 🙂 Continue reading Righteous Warfare
D4Y Centerpiece
You’ve seen a similar pair of LWH quills (large wing heavy – aka 8mm weight – quills) before, they’re called Revelation of the Hidden Things. We’re actually about to officially introduce this size/weight into our regular product line because we like it so much! Continue reading D4Y Centerpiece
Burnout Scarf
This is a fun special order item – a burnout scarf! This size is a 15×60 with another 7″ of fringe approximately and it is in a style called Shroud. These feel so luxurious – for an approximate price idea check out out crepe fringes. Continue reading Burnout Scarf
XLR Quills and 14×72 Stonewashed Silk
Joshua using a pair of XLR quill flags called Transformed (you’ve seen him with these before) during their church service while he’s wearing a 14×72 stonewashed silk called Hunger & Thirst. You can also see his Holy Fire swing flags on the table in the foreground 😉 Continue reading XLR Quills and 14×72 Stonewashed Silk
Co-Mingling Anointings
You all may remember Andrea from my previous post about why it matters who makes your flags. Father had us bless each other with some flags again – He loves co-mingling the anointings of different ministries (“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brethren to dwell together in unity!” Ps 133:1). Continue reading Co-Mingling Anointings
Promises of God Swing Flags
A fun pair of swing flags called Promises of God – it reminds me of a scattered rainbow or someone tossing handfuls of confetti! Such a beautiful explosion of color 🙂 Continue reading Promises of God Swing Flags
Waves of Encouragement L Quills
A pair of L quill flags called Waves of Encouragement. Beautiful colors, beautiful word and of course they’re quills so you can’t help but love the way they move 🙂 Continue reading Waves of Encouragement L Quills