You all may remember seeing AJ before with his swing flags (1st video, 2nd video), which also make a brief appearance in this video… but mostly this video is His pair of 35×84 voi called Prophetic Glory. He also takes the silk off and uses it as a wing as well as dancing with it – all beautiful! Continue reading Breakthrough in Worship among Youth
Author: Dyed4you (Meghan)
Add an Oil
I created an “What is… Add an Oil” video for Dyed4you Art and realized it might be helpful for my Dyed4you folks as well! So I am reposting it here for anyone who is interested 🙂 Continue reading Add an Oil
Joy Overflowing
In my last post I demoed a 3 yd streamer that was going to a 5 year old friend of mine called Joy Overflowing, well she LOVED it and has not put it down since! Her folks shared this video so we all could share in the moment too – you KNOW Abba is smiling at this precious little one 🙂 Continue reading Joy Overflowing
Joy Overflowing 3yd Streamer
This is a 3yd streamer called Joy Overflowing. It was created as a gift for a 5 yr old young lady at my church. I wish you could have seen her face when she saw it! She was SO excited and it was beautiful to see her worship with it. Hopefully I’ll get video at some point 🙂 Continue reading Joy Overflowing 3yd Streamer
How-To Ship Quills for Repair
You may remember we did a post not long ago telling y’all about quill breakthrough. Since then Nickol (from Prophetic Worship Banners) has gotten some interesting packages – often where folks have paid more than they need to for shipping. So she put together a quick video on how to package them for shipping 🙂 Continue reading How-To Ship Quills for Repair
Provided For L Quills Layered with MR
Loved getting to see this fun video with a pair of Dyed4you L quills called Provided For that Nickol has layered with a pair of white MR quills from Prophetic Worship Banners (as well as the streamers and billow which I presume are also from PWB). So beautiful! Continue reading Provided For L Quills Layered with MR
So this is a fun special order quill product! It’s actually thicker than a quill but because it’s flexible I refer to it as one, but I store it straight not bent like a quill. These are different not just in the weight of the “quill” but also in that they have a handle of sorts, which we call a manhandle 🙂 Continue reading Manhandles
The Blood MW
A single MW quill called The Blood – this is the same style you saw in the Feast of Trumpets Youth Dance (which if you haven’t seen it I suggest watching it – it was powerful!) in the MR quill size. A simple, but powerful design! Continue reading The Blood MW
Already Paid L Quills
You’ve seen the Already Paid style before (and everyone loved it!) in voi, here you get to see the same style in a pair of L quills. As one friend said – it looks “like a deep colorado sunset” 🙂
Hope you enjoy! Continue reading Already Paid L Quills
Faithful Streamer
Since two of her older siblings had been gifted some Dyed4you worship tools, this sweet youngin’ was THRILLED when Father released someone to gift her a 3 yd streamer. She LOVES it! And it’s been fun to watch her continue to grow in her worship 🙂 Continue reading Faithful Streamer
Fear Not
You got to see a pair of Fear Not swing flags a while back, well this is an 11×60 silk that was created at the same time. I’ve nicknamed this style the “fear buster” 🙂
She received this as a gift and was very blessed by it! It is a great tangible reminder that we have not been given a spirit of fear, but power, love and a sound mind! Continue reading Fear Not
Wall Builder
This was a gift purchased by a ministry leader for one of the ministries intercessors… the first intercessor. She got a 22×72 tassel tallit complete with Hebrew lettering as well as a copy of a yet-unreleased piece of Dyed4you Art called Frontline Warriors (which you’ve heard mentioned before and can see below). Continue reading Wall Builder
Change Your Atmoshpere
This pair of swing flags people fell in love with on our Dyed4you Facebook page and I just shared another story about them – they’re called Crown of Glory. I wanted you to see them in motion too, but since the first video is mobile phone quality I also added the demo one I took for you could see it too. 🙂 Continue reading Change Your Atmoshpere
Glory & Healing Anointing
This is a neat story about a pair of swing flags being used at a ladies retreat (video of flags will follow shortly). There were also several scarves given as gifts at the retreat so we may hear more stories, but in the mean time this is a good one! Continue reading Glory & Healing Anointing
Basics of Using Quills
Quills are one of the easiest flag products to use and this video gives a few moves that will work with either quill flags or quill wings (heck they’ll even work with some other products too!) 🙂 Continue reading Basics of Using Quills
How-To Pick YOUR Quill
I realized we were in need of an updated How-To Pick YOUR Quill post since we’ve added a bunch of sizes and renamed our sizing. All our current quill sizes are represented in this post with the exception of the mini (which you can see here).
Also some info has been expounded in other places like the Dowel vs Quill Wing Comparison and the Flag Comparison page (which compares 8 different flag products – quill flags and quill wings being 2 of the 8). I also have a quick how-to on using them. Continue reading How-To Pick YOUR Quill
Gatekeeper M Quills
A pair of M quills called Gatekeeper. This pair is intentionally mismatched and has the gradient going outside-in on one and inside-out on the other. Those of you who’ve been around since 2010 may remember watching Amanda worship with a full sized dowel wing in the Gatekeeper style – if you haven’t seen that, you’d likely enjoy it too (as well as the corresponding blooper) 😉 Continue reading Gatekeeper M Quills
Duplicate Silks
Some of you may remember me sharing a post called Releasing Control, where I talk about how Father has used the dyeing process to take me to deeper levels of releasing control to Him (if you didn’t read it, before it’s a good one). Well, He’s taking me to a new level 🙂
Recently, He told me I’m not to keep track of who has gotten which style silk. Now I don’t mean if you forget the name I can’t look it up, what I mean is it isn’t tracked in a way that lets me easily check whether I have sent you one of a particular style before. In other words, it is possible you might get sent the same style twice. Continue reading Duplicate Silks
Dowel vs Quill Wing Comparision
This is a portion of an older video that had some dated info in it (Flag Comparison page is the replacement for it), but this portion comparing dowel and quill wings is very helpful.
Please note the MW quill is about the same size as the altered wing I mention and the XLW quill is the same size as the “full size” wing. Continue reading Dowel vs Quill Wing Comparision
Boys DO worship
This is a beautiful story about a young fella using his mom’s M quill flag. You actually heard her testimony a little while back too! And if you’re like me, this story will prompt you to pray… I’ll share more on that at the end.