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Awaiting His Arrival large swing flag pair

I often fall in love with the silks I create, but rarely do they stir me like this particular pair of swing flags do (and they have orange in them?!?!)!ย  This large pair of swing flags is called Awaiting His Arrival. I’ve made this style before in quills, but in a different pattern. Enjoy ๐Ÿ™‚ Continue reading Awaiting His Arrival large swing flag pair

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2 yr old with S Quills

This is a compilation of several clips of my little 2 yr old friend with a pair of small (S) quill flags.ย  This is the video I mentioned in the announcement about the new S quill size.ย  The 2 short clips at the beginning are actually the 2nd time she’d ever used them, the last clip was the first time she’d ever used them and I believe the first time she had used a flag like that!ย  You can tell she’s been watching her older sisters ๐Ÿ˜‰ Continue reading 2 yr old with S Quills

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Righteous One Streamers

Here I show you two streamers (first a 4 yard followed by the 3 yard) both in the Righteous One style.ย  And yes, I am LOVING streamers!ย  Father had me gift one this weekend on the only rod I have (I’ve ordered more but they haven’t arrived yet) and I thought He might have to pry it out of my hands! LOL ๐Ÿ™‚ Continue reading Righteous One Streamers

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How-To Pick Which Flag is Best for You

I’ve been wanting to create a Flag Comparison page for a long while to make it easier for you to know which flag is right for YOU ๐Ÿ™‚ย  This video compares 8 flagging products (listed below). Continue reading How-To Pick Which Flag is Best for You

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Streamer at PFT

This is the River of Heaven streamer you saw on Friday, which I realized is 160″ not 144″ (oops!), which explains why it feels loooooooong ๐Ÿ™‚

I have realized I love streamers and plan to make more and am prayerfully considering carrying a 108″ (3 yard) and 144″ (4 yard) version on the site. And if I do I will likely start carrying the rods for them simply for convenience.ย  You already can add a streamer seam to any scarf (the 14×72 and the special order 8×72 are the more popular sizes to do that to). Continue reading Streamer at PFT

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Vacation with Jesus

A group of friends took a vacation with Jesus to celebrate one of their birthdays.ย  The birthday girl brought her XL quills (45″) – which were a gift to her earlier this year – and day and night, everywhere they went – they had constant spontaneous worship. At one point they were driving and suddenly “Spirit was so strong in the car…We had to stop for a praise break!!!” Continue reading Vacation with Jesus

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The Violent Take it by Force

A pair of swing flags called The Violent Take it by Force (from Matthew 11:12).ย  I make an attempt at the “wheel” move Allissa does, and though I don’t get it right, I’m getting closer!!!ย  Small blooper when I get one twisted, but I left it in to remind y’all I’m human ๐Ÿ˜‰ Continue reading The Violent Take it by Force

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Gifting a Taking the Land Silk

I know how hard it is to gift one of your favorite silks – Father has done it to me more than once!ย  So I understood the weight of this gift since I knew this silk was a favorite of hers, but when Father prompts you to bless someone, how can you be blessed by withholding the blessing?ย  Sow in tears and reap in joy ๐Ÿ™‚ Continue reading Gifting a Taking the Land Silk

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FYI: Quill Breakthrough (aka How-To Get Quills Repaired)

Wanted to give you an FYI that with quills sometimes breakthrough happens. The good news is what we’ve learned is when breakthrough happens in the physical realm, it is often a manifestation of it having happened in the spiritual realm (I have a great scarf story I heard recently on a quill breakthrough I’m looking forward to sharing soon)!

Continue reading FYI: Quill Breakthrough (aka How-To Get Quills Repaired)